Ceiling Fan Model 5745 Manual Dexterity
3M™ Comfort Grip Glove CGL-CRE, Cut Resistant (ANSI 2), Size L3M™ Comfort Grip Cut Resistant Gloves have the same features and comfort as the General Use Gloves with even greater cut, puncture and tear resistance. These medium-duty gloves are excellent for jobs requiring dexterity when handling sharp parts. Aftective educatu A59183e. Aerovent materials hand].ing fans. Affective evaluat; Afefovent model AfflC adjustable- man. Dropeller fan, all aluminum. Asi-fivent model SHX adjustabls-propeller fan 4 and 6 blade assemblies for heat exchangers and industrial ventilation.
Full text of ' These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for informafion about any additional records that may exist.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any addifional records that may exist. ISSN 0041-7815 Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third Series Volume 28, Part i, Number 2, Section i Books and Pamphlets Including Serials and Contributions to Periodicals Index July— December 1974 J- -ir -tr '^ COPYRIGHT OFFICE • THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON: 1976 These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. Catalog of Copyright Entries Third Series These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. ISSN 0041-7815 Catalog of Copyright Entries: Third Series Volume 28, Part i, Number 2, Section i Books and Pamphlets Including Serials and Contributions to Periodicals Index July— December 1974 COPYRIGHT OFFICE • THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON: 1976 These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. Library of Congress card no. This number identifies the Library of Congress printed card for the complete series of the Catalog of Copyright Entries.
ISSN 0041-7815 Key title: Catalog of copyright entries. Third series. Books and pamphlets. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Price of this part is given on page vi.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. Preface The CATALOG OF COPYRIGHT ENTRIES is published by authority of sections 210 and 21 1 of Title 17 of the United States Code. Section 210 provides in part; 'The current catalog of copy- right entries and the index volumes herein provided for shall be admitted in any court as prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein as regards any copyright registration.' Orders, payable in advance, for all parts of the Catalog oj Copyright Entries should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Orders may be placed for individual issues, as subscrip- tions for one or more parts, or for the complete Catalog, for periods of one, two, or three years. All orders should state clearly the title and the inclusive dates of the part wanted; checks or money orders should be made payable to the Superintendent of Documents. The Copyright Office welcomes inquiries, suggestions, and comments on the content and organization of the Catalog. Such communica- tions should be addressed to the Chief of the Cataloging Division, Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
The record of each copyright registration listed in the Catalog includes a description of the work copyrighted and data relating to the copyright claim (the name of the copyright claimant as given in the application for registration, the copyright date, the copyright registration num- ber, etc.). For each registration listed, except for renewals, there has been deposited a copy or copies of the work in accordance with the pro- visions contained in sections 12, 13, 14, or 215 of Title 1 7 of the United States Code.
Each part listed in the following table records registrations in the class or classes indicated by the alphabetical symbols. The second and third letters, if any, that follow the initial letter are added by the Copyright Office for the purpose of statistical analysis. Their significance is as follows: These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. Published foreign works. In the case of books and periodicals, it designates works manufactured out- side the United States (except those registered for ad interim copyright).
In all other classes to which it applies, it designates works first published outside the United States, the authors of which are neither citizens nor domiciliaries of the United States. (AF, EF) Books and periodicals registered for ad interim copyright. (AI, BI) Price per semiannual Part 1 Books and Pamphlets, Including Serials and Contributions to Periodicals $10. 00 A Books BB Contributions to periodicals R Renewal registrations Part 2 Periodicals (Annual issue) 6. 00 B Periodicals R Renewal registrations Parts 3-4 Dramas and Works Prepared for Oral Del very 3.00 C Lectures and other works prepared for oral delivery D Dramatic or dramatico-musical works R Renewal registrations Part 5 Music 10.00 E Musical compositions R Renewal registrations Part 6 Maps and Atlases 3. 00 F Maps R Renewal registrations Published works of foreign origin registered under the waiver-of-fee provision (section 215 of Title 17 of the United States Code).
(BIO, GFO) Domestic published works in classes for which registration is possible for either published or unpublished works. (EP, JP) Unpublished works in classes for which registration is possible for either published or unpublished works.
(DU, EU) Price per semiannual issue Parts 7-11 A Works of Art, Reproductions of Works of Art, Scientific and Technical Draw- ings, Photographic Works, Prints and Pictorial Illustrations $3. 00 G Works of art and models or designs for works of art H Reproductions of works of art I Drawings or sculptural works of a scien- tific or technical character J Photographs K Prints and pictorial illustrations R Renewal registrations Part IIB Commercial Prints and Labels (Annual issue) 5. 00 KK Commercial prints and labels R Renewal registrations Parts 12-13 Motion Pictures 3.00 L Motion-picture photoplays M Motion pictures other than photoplays R Renewal registrations Part 14 Sound recordings 5. 00 N Sound recordings Subscription price: Complete Catalog for the year $75.00; $18.75 additional for foreign mailing. Orders, accompanied by remittances, should be addres ed to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. Table of Contents Index Current Registrations Renewal Registrations under separate cover Page 2903 4215 5559 Introduction PART 1 lists all registrations made in classes A and BB for the period covered by this issue.
An index of names and titles associated with the work is followed by the main entries, listed in order by registration number. Filing of the index is letter by letter, except in the case of inverted names which are filed up to the comma or parenthesis, after which letter by letter filing is resumed. The main entries include, when applicable, the following information derived from the work and application: 1 ) Title, followed by subtitle and/or descrip- tive statements. The authorship of the work is included in this statement, with the nature of authorship (if available). 2) Edition statement. 3 ) Country of publication for works registered as foreign or as ad interim works.
4) Label name and number for registered sound recordings. 5) Physical description of the deposit.
6) Series statement. 7) Additional titles associated with the regis- tered work such as variant titles, alternative titles, translated titles, etc. 8) Notes; information is given here which serves to supplement the data that is given elsewhere in the entry in order to describe a work more accurately or identify it more explicitly. 9) Statement that the registered work is pub- lished in or as part of another work, or is bound with another independent work. 10) Names of authors given in the application which do not appear elsewhere in the entry. 11) Statement of those materials contained in the registered work on which copyright is not claimed, when so stated in the appli- cation.
12) Information contained in the application which relates to the registration of an earlier version of the work. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 1 3 ) Brief statement of the new matter on which copyright is claimed when so stated in the application. 14) Copyright s>Tnbol © or ®. 15) A statement of limitation of claim if the application or notice on the work explicitly limits the claim.
16) Name of the copyright claimant. 1 7 ) Date of publication for published works; for unpublished works the date on which the last of all items required to complete regis- tration (i.e., copy, application, and fee) was received in the Copyright Office. 18) Registration number. For published works, whenever it is necessary to indicate a variation between the information given in the application and in the copy of the work with respect to the claimant's name or the date of pub- lication, the data from the application is given first. Followed by the phrase 'in notice' and the data given in the work; e.g., © John Doe; lljul74 (in notice: 1973).
For renewal registrations the original date of publication and registration number precede the name of the claimant of the renewal registration. Following the name of the renewal claimant is a statement in parentheses, usually abbreviated, giving the basis of the renewal claim as supplied by the application; e.g., 'John Doe (A)' indicates that John Doe has made renewal claim as author. Works deposited in connection with current copyright registrations may be selected for inclu- sion in the collections of the Library of Congress. Library of Congress printed cards are available for many of the published works so selected.
Orders for such cards or inquiries concerning them should be addressed to the Catalog Distribution Service Division, Building No. 159, Navy Yard i nnex, Washington, D.C^ 20541. Registrations July-December 1974 Books, pamphlets, and serials manufac- tured in the United States.... 49, 190 Books manufactured abroad (except those registered for ad interim copyright ).. 2,934 Books in the English language registered for ad interim copyright 360 Total 52,484 Contributions to newspapers and period- icals 1, 169 Renewals: Books, pamphlets, and serials. 4, 303 These figures represent the number of registra- tions for books, pamphlets, serials, and contribu- tions to periodicals for July-December 1974, but do not necessarily represent the exact number of entries in this issue of the Catalog of Copyright Entries.
Registration figures for other classes of material may be found in the respective parts. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. Abbreviations and Symbols The following list includes abbreviations and symbols used in this catalog with specific copy- right or bibliographic meanings.
(A) author(s) a.a.d.o. Accepted alternative designa- tion of a.k.a. Also known as ace. Accompaniment Adm.c.t.a. Administrator (s) cum testa- mento annexo Adm.d.b.n.c.t.a. Administrator (s) de bonis non cum testamento annexo appl. Application approx.
Approximate, approximately arr. Arranged, arrangement, ar- ranged by au. Author (s) Aufl. Aufiage augm.
Augmented Ausg. Ausgabe b&w black and white Bd. Band (German) bearb. Bearbeitet © copyright symbol (C) child or children of the deceased author ca.
Chapter (s) col. Colored comp. Compiler d.b.a.
Doing business as ( E ) executor ( s ) of the author ed. Edition, editor enl. Herausgegeben illus. Illustration (s) in. Inches per second m music, music by min. Millimeters ( NK ) next of kin of the deceased author NM new matter no.
Number (s) nouv. Nouveau, nouvelle op. Page(s) ® copyright symbol for sound re- cordings (PCB) proprietor of copyright in a work copyrighted by a cor- porate body otherwise than as assignee or licensee of the individual author (PCW) proprietor of copyright in a composite work (PPW) proprietor of copyright in a posthumous work (PWH) proprietor of copyright in a work made for hire prev. Previous, previously print.
Printing priv. Privately printed pseud. Pseudonym pt. Part, parts pty.
Proprietary pub. Published, publishing R, (R) renewal registration reg.
Registered, registration rev. Revised r.p.m. Revolutions per minute s.
Silent suppl. Supplement t. Tome, tome T., Th. Teil, Theil t.a. Trading as ti.
Title(s) t.p. Title page tr. Translator v., vol. Volume, volumes w words, words by ( W ) widow of the author ( Wr ) widower of the author These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS INCLUDING SERIALS AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS INDEX An index of distinctive titles and names given in the entries listed in the current and renewal sections of this issue. Below each index term is the registration num' ber under which the main entry is to be found. References from varying forms of names are interfiled. Lighting Products, Inc. And the armed services.
SEE American Association for the Advancement of Science. AAA traffic safety education posters. SEE American Association of Cost Engineers. SEE Accident Alert, Inc. A - Advanced Locksmith. AAHPER youth fitness test manual. AAMA American Apparel Manufacturers Association, Inc.
197'* directory, members and associate members. Ssd Easy Rider Software As A Service. AAMA directory of members and associate members, 197'+ • A57856O. AAMC curriculum directory; A570933. AAMC directory of American medical education, 1974 - 75.
AAMC member profile. 4AMD adaptive behavior scale, for children and adults. 'A' and 'b' TNC machines.
A & H Directory Company. Aanerud, Melvin.
AAPG bulletin. AAPG reprint series. Aaron, Benja,min. Aaron, Daniel Baruch.
Aaron, Ira E. Aaron, James E. Aarons, Edward S. Aarons, Edward Sidney.
Aaronson, Lauren Shelly. Aaronson, May. SEE American Association of Retired Persons. Aa.i'Setn, Sigmund.
AAR studies in religion, no. Northern Jurisdiction, U.S.
A (Prince Hall Affiliation) Inc. United Supreme Council. SEE Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Northern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. (Prince Hall Affiliation) Inc. United Supreme Council. SEE American Astronautical Society. AATCC technical manual.
AAU official handbook 1974: AAU code. AAU official rules 1974: water polo. SEE American Association of University Women. World Services, Inc. SEE Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc.
Abandon hope. The Abandcnuert c£ Eritish naval supremacy, 1918 -1920. Service manual.
Abandon ship. ABA dffielal 1974 - 75 guld*. SEE Navon, Halml. Abaris Books, Inc.
Abarrategui, Jose Vazquez De. SEE Vazquez De Abarrategui, Jose. Ataya, Auadeo. Abaya, Hernando J. R582752- Abbe, France 1'. SEE I'Atbe, franc Abbe, George.
A579459- These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. BOOKS July-Dec.
Abbe Edgeworth (17'^5 - I807) R5fli605. Abbs Marmot system of dowsing for treasure hunters and prospectors. Abbeon Cal, Inc.
Abbess of Crewe. Abbey, Gordon P, A578902. Abbey, Merrill R. Abbey of Gethsemanl, Trapplst, KY. Abbo, Fred E. Abbott, Alice.
Abbott, Donald B. Abbott, Elisabeth. Abbott, Janet Stearn. Abbott, Leonard Dalton. Abbott, Robert Tucker. Abbott, Wilbur Cortez.
Abbott Laboratories (52) research notes, July I6, 197*1. Abboud, Nicole De Maupeou-. SEE Maupeou-Abboud, Nicole De. Abby takes over.
ABC animal rhymes. Abcarian, Richard. ABC Art cartooning, 52 lessons.
ABC basic chart reading. A560264, ABC dog show. ABC is for Christmas. ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc. ABC mazes, A548378. ABC memory book.
ABC memory plan. ABC of astrology, the Anne Benjamine course. A B C of practical close up photog- raphy. A B C, 1 2 3 and sounding rhvraes. ABC-ISS) preschool phonies and numbers workbook.
ABC series: All about being a Christian. ABC's of black history. ABC's of dogs newspaper ad campaign.
ABC's of hi-fi and stereo. ABC's of money management for young people: a guidebook for parents. A-b-c's of parliamentary procedure. The ABC's of phcoics, A592S66. ABC's Of reloading. Abe's of resistance and resistors.
A b c's of safe winter driving. A B C's of service foe Speed Qneen domestic dryers. ABCs of Victorian antiques. ABC stencil book. ABC Television. Abdfel-Malek, Eakl N.
Abdel-Massih, Ernest T. Dick Company service manual. Dick bond 901 copier operating instructions. Dick bond 901 copier service manual.
Dick model 560 mimeograph duplicator repair parts catalog. Dick model M-901 bond copier, form 74-430. Dick model M-309, M-310 offset duplicator form number 74-25B catalog A567912. Dick model 310 service manual.
Dick table-top offset duplicator operating instructions, model 310. Abdomen and treast, S593101. Abdomen, ptie.l. Abdominal angiography. Abdominal injuries.
Abdul-Jalll, Hansur, pseud. Abdulrazak, Pawzl. SEE Marcoin, Inc. Associated Bonded Escrow Company. Abedor, Allan J. Abegg, John Frederick. Abehsera, Michel.
Abel, Raymond. Abel, Steven Dwight. Abel, Virginia Lynne Snyder. Abelard, Bernard, and the Council of Sens, and others. Absles, Ruth RusKin.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. INDEX Abeles, Slgmund M. Abe Lincoln in song and story. Abell, Kathleen. Ab411io, Raymond.
Abeloff, Diane L. Abend, Joel W. Abendroth, Kenneth. Aberlard-cchuman^ Lt^. AbhaDdluDcen dec OsraD-Gesellscnaf t, AF 39821.
Abhedananda, Sv/ami. A.b, ib, Ob, ufc; am, em, im, um.
Abide in grace. Ability is imcortant, August 5, 197**. Ability Keasures. Marriage manual. Abingdon Press. A575775 - A575774.
A573776 - A575787. A573789 - A573790.
A573792 - A573795. Acing-icn SpacGs, ltd. Abinun, Judith. Abler, Trxr.as 3. Abnormal subsurface oressure.
Abode of man chart. Ab6ko-Col«, Georgians?eyie.
Abolishing obsolete tests genus enterobacter fetal-maternal hemor- rhage. Abolitionist voice of James Russell Lowell in the Hational anti-slavery standard: 1&*1 - l36o. Abominable man.
Aboriginal agriculture in the south- vrest and Great Basin. A.bortion: an insight into its manifold problems. Abortion controversy. Abortion, fertility, and changing legislation: an international revievi. Abortion in a crowded world: the problem of abortion with special reference to India.
Abortion research: intematiorjal exnerience. A577515- Abortion 2: »akiDq the tevclaticn.
The ADortive levclution: China onder nationalist rule, 1927 - 1937. A-cout ban;-: leans, youjr lean has been a'DDrcp/ed. About beh-aviorism. About being a patient at Farren Memo- rial Hospital.
About fceinq Lutheran. Aiout Boston. About Centennial: some notes on the novel. AJbout chapter 766: the l&ssachusetts c OKTorehensi ve special education act of i:?('2. About PuU6£iS, AP39267. About the achievement tests, 1974-75.
About the new highway signs, signals and markings. About the SAT 1974-75: what the questions are like, -rfhat yoi^r scores mean.
About tv70 miles around, fabulous motel row: Miami Beach. About Your Money, Inc, A568727. About your PSAT/iii'ISCT scores, 1974. About your sexuality. A587532- AbDlanalD, Glen K.
Abraham, Fred John. Abrahamj James. A5453C5 - Abrahaa, Eoisan. AirahazB, Timothy Josech. Abraham and Company, Inc A534937. Flexner Symposi'om on Viral Transformation and Endogenous Vinases. SEE Flexner (Abraham) Symposium on Viral Transformation and Sndoge.nous Viruses, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, 1974.
Heschel, 1907 - 1972: lyric adventurer in Biblical faith. Airahac Lincoln. About divorce. Abraham Van Diej A564l5i. About documentary: anthrcDology on film. Lcris, R537531.
About early America. Abrahams, /'t'-'s AhCfit eegs. Abram, Victor P, About Lyddy Thomas. Atoat rortin. Itz, Jac- About prayei. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 2906 BOOKS July-Dec. Atramowita, Louis H. Abramowskij Marie.
Abraras, Aren C. Abrams, Fred. Abrams (Harry W.) Inc. Abrams, Herbert Irving. Abrams, Jean Crosby. Abrams, Lois Marcia.
Abrams, Meyer Howard. Abrams, Rhods M. Abrams, Ruth D. A556971- Abrams, Sam. Abrams, Stanley.
Abramson, Chester C. Abramson, David Irvin. Abramson, Leslie R. Abrasion-resistant I9OO UHMW polymer. Abrasive belts, selection of width/ length combinations.
Abrasive d iscs--selection of disc outside did[D€ ter/centie- hcle diamete Abridged catalog of arts and crafts. Abridged Readers' guide to periodical literature, June 1973 - May 1974. Abril, ' Mario. Wilfred, A585547. Absenteeism — you can control it. Absolute at large, A582336. Absolutely helpless.
Absolutely normal. Absolute values in terms of slgnum X. A56717't • Absolution without confession. Abstract coffee, origin and use, A550957. Abstract expressionism, New York school. A582ti*9- Abstracts, 47th Scientific Sessions, Scientific Sessions for Nurses, 28th annual meeting.
Council on Arteriosclerosis, A584582, Abstracts of scientific papers, 1974 ASA annual meeting, A567895. Abstracts of the 73rd annual meeting, Mexico City/19 - 24 November 1974. Abt, Lawrence Edwin. A5B7917 ■ Abt Associates, Inc. Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakarlya Al- Razi on reason and nature. Abu-Jaber, Faiz S. Abu-Laban, Baha.
Abu-Lughod, Ibrahim. Abundance Foundation. Abundant life. Abundant living. Abu Sa'd Muhammed ibn Ahmad al 'Amidi. SEE Al 'Amidi, Abu Sa'd Muhammed ibn Ahmad. Abu Taramam Habib ibn Aus al Tai.
Abu Zakariya Yahya ibn 'All al Khatib. SEE Al Tabrizi, Abu zakariya Yahya ibn 'Ali al Khatib.
Abzug, Martin. Aeademia in recent American fiction: an exploration of main themes in novels related to higher education, 1961 - 1971. Aeademia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
China Council on Sino-American Cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Academic and professional qualifica- tions of law enforcement program directors in regionally accredited public community colleges.
Academic and social behavior change in a public school setting, A582844, Academic Associates, Inc, A5554go. Academic bestiary. Academic Cultural Company. Academic Games Associates, Inc, A5467II, Academic International Press, A552006. Academic Press, Inc. A545888 - A545889, A551064.
A553515 - A553523, A554750 - A554769, A554975. A563374 - A563383. A570174 - A570183. A574454 - A574463. A576575 - A576578.
A577258 - A577278. A577464 - A577472. A578215 - A578219. A578735 - A578744 A579097 - A579100 A582387 - A582390 A582423 - A582425 A582427 - A582433 A582982 - A582983 A585450 - A585468 A585530 - A585533 A585974. A588043 - A588044.
Academic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd, AI-l42gS, AI-14551. Academic problems and personal factors in the education of Thai students in America as related to career choice, A 586114, Academic study of religion, A581677, Academic writing: the minimum essentials, A5753IO. ^ademie Pclc Institut de AIC-10516. Ooloqi Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Institut de Recherches Fondamentales de la Technique. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 1974 INDEX 2907 Academlque Perrin, Librairle. Academy Editions. Academy for Educational Development, Inc.
AtAdsmy of Adventist Minis ters. Jcademy of Auerican Fraoctscan History, Washinqton, C.C. Academy of American Poets, New York. AtkAmy 6t goodbys. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Academy of Parish Clergy, Inc. Academy of Political Science. R588515 • Academy papers, no. Academy players directory. A.C.A., industry guide to hearing aids, 1974 / 75 international edition. AC and E Publishing Company. Bhaktivedanta Swaml Prabhupada.
SEE Bhaktivedanta Swaml, A.C. Capacitance and capacitive reactance. ACC/directory of craft courses, 197* - 1975. Aciielerated Christian Education, Inc. A560169 - A560204. A567735 - A567765.
A568910 - A568926. A570650 - A570687.
A586519 - A5865'*7. A589093 - A589168. A592407 - A592't2l. Accelerated Christian Education, Inc. Editorial Department. Accelerated fashion: Society Brand, Ltd.
Advertising service for fall '74. Accelerated oil evaluation program, Doble Engineering Company. Accent of California, international writers series, no. Accent on baseball. Aicent on Living, Inc. Accent on Living, Inc.
Accent Special Publications. Acceptable concentrations of dlchlorodifluororae thane (fluorocarbon 12) A580278. Acceptable concentrations of Toluene.
Acceptance into the new Massachusetts Bar Association Group term life insurance plan is guaranteed to all eligible members under age 60. Accepted dental remedies. Accepted dental therapeutics. A547010 - A547012. ACCESS: ambulatory care center/emergency service system. Flccessories and tDodern maintenance materials for 19790.
Aiken, Leona Taylor. Aikenhead, Steve. Aikens, Inez McCabe. Aikido and Kung-fu: the ancient arts. Ailinger, Rita Louise.
A570035 • Ailor, Robert Howard. Ailrsd of Rievaulx (1109 - ll67) and the spiritual life: a study of the Influence of anthropology on theology. Aimar, Caroline P. These entries alone may no.
Reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office tor information abont any addmonal records that may exist. 1974 INDEX Aimard, Paule. Aims Cesalre: his literary and political writings, with a blobibllography. Aimer sous les palmes.
Aim for a job In the allied health field. Aims and objects of the C.
L..(Community Welfare League) H590602. Alnsl vecut Victor-Hugo. Alnsworth, Charles Patterson.
Ainsworth, w. Ain't no way to treat a lady. Ainu of the northwest coast of Southern Sakhalin. AlP conference proceedings, no. AIP 1974 roster.
Air and weather: 9 full-color study posters with teaching suggestions. Airborne military displays. Air Brake Association. Air cleaning and lubrication, ACR-15't. Ohio Medical Products.
Air conditioning. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Wholesalers. Air conditioning and ventilating systems, 1974. Air conditioning, heating, and refri- geration. Air conditicninq, ref riqecation, and heatinq, A589753. Ail- conditioning testing and balancing. Air cooled engine mechanics training manual.
SEE United States. Army Air Corps. Aircraft Components, Inc.
^if=g2f data for airport planning. Aircraft electrical circuit diagrams. Aircraft engine mounts and other vibra- tion, shock and noise control prod- ucts for the aviation industrv. ■^ Aircraft fire and rescue procedures. Aircraft: fire-resisting electrical cables--dimensions, conductor resis- tance and mass. Aircraft; fire-resisting electrical cables — methods of test.
Aircraft- -fire- resistlDq electrical cables — per for Dance requirenents. Aircraft fuel servicing, 1974 A565201. Aircraft gas turbine engine and Its operation. Aircraft history. Aircraft — identification of servicinq, maintenance, qround handlinq and safety/hazard points. Aircraft of World War 2.
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associ- ation. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Flight Department. Aircraft propeller maker's technical hand book. Aircraft rescue and fire fighting services at airports, 1974. Aircraft — tubing outside diameters and thicJcneES€s--Betric dimensions. Aircraft: two- and four-pole sealed electromagnetic relays, 2A and 5A — clearance and fixing dimensions.
Air distribution and balancing. Aireco Supply, Inc. Air conditioning, ref riqeration, parts and supplies. Air Force Aid Society, Arlington, VA. Air Force diary. Air Force Historical Foundation. Air Force Historical Foundation.
Aerospace Historian. Air lorce-Navy aeronautical (AN) Air Force-Navy aeronautical design (AND) and military (fS) standards, October Airframe mechanic. Airline crew physical exams lax, doctor says. Airline earnings review operation (Aero basic), mailing no. Airline earnings review operation (aero basic) U.S. Trunks and Pan American.
Airline fleet size and maintenance cost minimization. Airline handbook.
Airline Industry, August 5, 1974. Airline outlook for 1974 (progress report) May l4, 1974. Airline photo-atlas for the United States of America. Airliner spotter's guide. Air logic design.
A572735 - Air management and the environment. The Airomat Corporation. Air pollution. Air pollution abatement and regional economic development: an input-output analysis. Air pollution abatement market. Aii- pollution along the United Stdites- Mexico border. Air pollution control.
Air Pollution Control Association. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. BOOKS July-Dec.
Air polluticn ccnttol in Europe. Air Pollution Industries, Inc.
Air polluticn Instrumentation market, February 197'^■ A5'+6l23. Air pollution: its effect on the urban man and his adaptive strategies. Air pollution primer. Air pollution technical services. AirPol steel industry gas cleaning bulletin. Airport management and operations.
Airport 1975. Air Products and ChemlcalSj Inc. A578125 - A578128. A578150 - A578152. Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
Houdry Division. Air pudding and wind sauce. Air quality management and land use planning: legale administrative, and methodological perspectives. Airstream owner's manual, 1975. Airstream, subsidiary of Beatrice Foods Company.
SEE Beatrice Foods Company. Air supported structures. Air Taxi and Commercial Pilots Associa- tion, Inc. Airtex hydrauli A5927914. Airtex Products Division, A59279U. Airtex Products Division.
Parts Air tool safety. Air traffic control. Air, water, and solid waste pollution control industry seminar March 28 - 50, 1973. Irway manual. A546622 - A546626 A557558 - A557571 A559205 - A559208 A580381 - A580385 A587966 - A587969 for September.
Airway manual revisions A590079 - A590082. AIS new car cost guide, June 1, 197^. Aistropj Jack. Aitthison, Thomas Morton. Aitutaki, Niue and Penrhyn overprints on the 3D sacred Hula birds, 6D Apertex or kiwi and l/-kea and kaka stamps of New Zealand. SEE Welnstock, A.
Ajustements -- series d'angles et d'incllnalsons de prlsmes. Ajute Jiro: El Nuevo Testamento en Warao. Akande, Samuel Titilola Oladele. Akasha P^iblications. Akeley, Mary L. Akens, David S. Akeret, Robert U.
Akers, Fred E. Akers, Lex A. Akers, Ronald L. A576727- Akhbar of Sulaik.
Akhilananda, Swami. Akiba, David. Akili, Africanus. SEE Akill, John M. Akili, John M.
Akin, Galnor R. Akin, Margaret. A563911- Akintuyl, Adejujno Edmund.
Akouh, Georges. AP0-775't6 - AFO-775't8. Aktuelle Konzeptionen der Hochschul- dldaktlk. Akyvernltes politeies. Brand-Rex Company. For works copyrighted by George C. Wallace, Governor of Alabama, for use of the state of Alabama.
SEE Wallace, George Corley. Alabama annotations to the restatement of the Law of property. Alabama citations. Alabama citations, cases and statutes. Court of Appeals. Court of Civil Appeals.
Court of Criminal Appeals. A575059- Alatama. Departnent of Education. Alabama digest. R590839- Alabama digest, November 1971.
Alabama digest. West key number system.
Alabama inc^uiry units. Alabama politics — tell it like it is. Alabama's distinguished.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any addifional records that may exist. 1974 INDEX Alabama. Supreme Court. Supreme Court. Advisory Committee on Appellate Practice and Procedure, A559017.
A la carte: the best of Al Cartwrieht. Aladdin cookbooks. Aladdin encyclopedia. Aladdin golden encyclopedia (children's) edition) A57't872. Aladdin Products, Inc. Aladjem, Silvio. Alafe-Aluko, Michael Olarewaju.
ALA membership directory. A Ik mer comme a la mer. APO - 7752't. Al 'Amidi, Abu ga'd Muhammed ibn Ahmad. Aland, Richard C.
Al-Anon and Alateen groups at work, A5r9253. Al-Anon conference summary, 1974. Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
ALA publishing Services annual report, 1973 - 1974. Alarcon, Arthur L. Alarcon, Frances McKenna. A la recherche de la paix, 1919- APO-78210.
A la recherche de la reallte: nature et progression de la recherche que Proust fait poursuivre a son personnage Marcel. Alarm has rung. Alas, Babylon.
Alaska: a literary map of Alaska. Alaska and the Eskimos. Alaska and the Eskimos, teacher's guide. Alaska beckons. Alaska citations, cases and statutes. Alaska Directory Corporation. Alaska hunting guide, 1974 - 1975.
Alaska magazine. Alaska native claims settlement act. Alaskan Council of Teachers of English. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company.
^^I^^a' Pi^troglyphs and pictographs. Alaska petroleum and industrial directory.
Alaska Proven: Phifer sharpening steel. Alaska statutes, 1962, annotated A575943. Alaska Travel Guide. Alaska travel handbook. Alaska-Yukon wild flowers guide.
The love of women. Ai-Azhar: a millennium of Muslim learning. Alban, Dominique Saint-, pseud. SEE Tournier, Jacques. Albard, Michel, pseud. SEE Bouffard Michel.
' Slbarn, Keith. Albeek, Raymond. Alberkrack, Jade. Alters, Josef. AlbSi-t, Carol. Albert, Edna. Albert, Elaine.
Albert, Linette. Albert, Marv. Albert, Marvin. Albert Camus.
Albertl, Del. Alberti, Leo, A549727. Jlbcrti, Baphael. Alberts, Kenneth, pseud. Kenneth Albert. SEE Possanza, Albert Shaw of the Review of reviews. Albertson, Edward.
Albertson, Jeff. Albert's toothache.
A559558 - 559559. Albertus, Frater, pseud.
SEE Riedel, Albert. Albeiuy, Gerard.
Albrand, Martha. R5 82675 ■ R582676. Albrecht, Diane. Albrecht, Dolores. Albrecht, Doores. Albrecht, William P., Jr. Albright, Linda.
Album Baudelaire. Album historico de Villaclara en el exilio. Album of Alaskan wildf lowers.
Album- of dogs, 1975 calendar. Album of Reconstruction. Albuquerque, NM, 1974 issue. Albuquerque/Santa Pe metroo-uide. Albuquerque Tribune.
Alcala Galiano, Juan Valera v. SEE Valera y fllcala Galiano, Juan.
Alcazar, Carol Chafin. Alchedlak, Patricia.
Alchemist's handbook (manual for practical laboratory alchemy) A564135. Alcoa aluminum precision f orginES. Alcohol abuse and rehabilitation approaches. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. BOOKS July-Dec. Alcohol and aldehyde metabolizing systems. Alcohol: a very dangerous drue. Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Alcoholic's hope: a miracle. Alcoholism: addictive life-destroying condition of humans obviously livin in stupified misery.
Alcoholism: a family illness. Alcoholism: a molecular learning AlcohcliEiii/fcha Alcoholism/khat are ue qoinq tc do about it? Alcohol, nicotine and other drugs. Alcohol: the choice. Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Alcott, Louisa May.
R593824 - R593828. Aldactone (spironolactone) and Aldac- tazlde (spironolactone 25 mg. Hydro- chlorothiazide 25 mg. ) for effective diuretic and antihypertensive therapy. Aldan, Daisy, A572038. Aldebaran Educational.
A552655 - A552661. Alden, Richard. Aldfen, Robert Ames. Aldens Christmas, 1974.
A567751 • Aldens: cut $20, great low price for an 3-dlgit desk calculator with handy reverse key. Aldens early fall sale. Aldens holiday sale. Aldens more for your money, over 860 price cuts! Aldens 1974 fall and winter catalog of values.
Aldens 67I price cuts. Aldens 24 pages of gift ideas. Alderfer, Edwin.
Alderfer, Helen. Alderman, Clifford Lindsey. Aldiss, Brian W. Aldoroty, Robert, A5 86366. Aldous, Joan.
Aldous Huxley: a biographical intcoducticn. Aldous Huxley: a collection of critical essays. Aldred, Cyril. Aldrlch, Andy. Aldrich, Augustus.
Aldrlch, Joanne Gille. Aldrich, John W. Aldrich, Leon Clyde. Aldrich, Nelson W. Aldrich Chemical Company.
Aldridge, Adele. Aldridge, Don.
Aldridge, James. Aldridge, Sarah, pseud.
SEE Marchant, Aldskogius, Hakan. Aldus Books, Ltd. Aldwell, Roy Edward, 2nd.
Alec Wilder and his friends. SEE Eckstein, Aleksandrowicz, Malca Kroll. Al^ksich, Susan. Alerioh, Walter N. A544805 - A544808. A550430 - A550433. A553314 - A553317.
A562708 - A562710. A583672 - A583675. Alert bulletin.
Alerte aux patrons. Alessi, Joseph. Alessi technical studies for A571662. Alevizos, Anastasios. Alexander, A.
Alexander, Andrew. BB46054 BB46191. Alexander, Anne. Alexander, Carol. Alexander, Clyde W.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 1974 INDEX Alexander, Edward Leroy. Alexander, Florence Bilbo.
Alexander, Prances. Alexander, Gary. Alexander, George Edward. Alexander, George J. Alexander, Herbert E. Alexander, Hiram M.
Si:; Sntddo Alexander, Jack L. Alexander, James E.
Alexander, Jean. Alexander, Jocelyn Anne Arundel. Alexander, John W. Alexander, Kathryn M. Alexander, Laurence A. Alexander, Lawrence T.
Alexander, Leroy Elbert. Alexander, Lloyd. Alexander, Margo. Alexander, Marsha. Aluxandei, rartra G. Alexander, Mildred.
Alexander, Millard H. Alexander, Milton J.
Alexander, M. Alexander, Pal. SEE Alexander, A. Alexander, Paul W. Alexander, Robert C. Alexander, Robert J. Alexander, Rodney.
Alexander, Stewart F. Alexander, Thomas G. Alexander, Winston M. Alexander Hamilton, a biography in his own words. Sleiandet Haiiltcn Institute. SEE Hamiltcn (Alexander) Institute.
Alexander Pope and the making of the man. Alexander program encourages U.S. Production: penalizes Imports.
Alexander Publlshings. Alexander Ramsey Papers and records. Alexander technique: the essential writings of F. Matthias Alexander.
Alexander 1; tsar of war and peace. Alexander the Great. Alexandre, Paul.
Alexandrian Institute. Alexandria Service League, Inc. Alexandrie et autres iles. Alexanian, Jean. Alfle and me and the ghost of Peter Stuyvesant. Alfieri, Teresa.
Alfoldy, Geza. Alfonsi, Philippe.
Alfonso, Louis Edward. Alfonso Salmeron: his work at the Council of Trent. Alfo Publishing Company. SEE Fogel, Aaron. Alford, Evan.
Alford, Sterling G. Alfred Adler Oder das Elend der Psycgologie. Alfred De Vigny and the French romantic theatre. Alfred Doeblin. Alfred Hitclccck and tte three investiaators in The nysterv cf the dead nan's riddle. Alfred Hitchcock and the three investigators in the secret of the haunted mirroi. Alfred Jarry, d'Ubu roi au Docteur Faustroll.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson: the mythopoetic resolution of ambivalence in his poetry. Alfred North Vfhitehead: a primer of his philosophy, ■ A556843. Alfl'Sd R, vfaud, Civil War artist. Alfred Stieglitz memorial portfolio. Alfred the great: a plav in three acts.
Alfred University, Alfred, New York. Alfrey, Turner.
Algar, Hamid. Algarron, Andre.
Algebra and calculus for business. Algebra for the practical man. Algebraic chemistry. Algebraic functions, exponential func- tions. Algebraic numbers and diophantine approximation. Algebra in easy steps. Algebra text: Intermediate.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 2926 BOOKS July-Dec. Algebra 2 and trigonometry. A557077 - A507078.
Algebra 2 Individualized course. Alqebres ccniiexts et hcBcioqie des >'EpiC££ lie lacets. Alger, Horatio, Jr. Algierl, Shirley. Algol programmer's guide to the use of tne B 6700. Tefecence guide.
Algorithm for task control across multi-processors. Algorithms for polynomials over a real algebraic number field.
Agronomic performance of normal and cms-T cytoplasm in maise, Zea mays L. Alhazred, Abdul. All, Mahmoud Sami. SEE Saml-Ali, Mahmoud.
AF3'T739..M-1 11366. ALI -ABA conference. ALI-ABA coarse of sr.udy, A5S1306. ALI-ABA course of study: new pension legislation. ALI-ABA coarse of stady; real estate condominiums and planned unit developments. May 2, 3, and h, 197lt.
Aliaga Araue, Juan. Alianza his pane- Jniec icdiia, 18sm - 1965: a aexican Sieiicdn trateti^al insurance scciety..' All-Bab, pseud. SEE Babinski, Henri. Al Ibana Un Sarigat al Matanabbl.
Alice au manolr hante. Alice blue gown. Alice et les chats persans. Alice Hubbard and the Roycrofters.
Alienation and consumption; an ex- tension of life -cycle planning. Jlicnaticii and education: a ccuFarative study of vccational and non- vccdticnal sttdents in Kentucky hiqh schoolt. Alienation aujourd'hui. Alien horizons. Alignment and adjustment procedures. Alike and different.
Alike because book. Alimayo, Chlku^o, pseud. SEE Franklin, Harold L., Jr. Alinifentary tract, A557583. Allprandi, William Bernard. Alive and growing.
Alive and real. Alive, the story of the Andes survivors. Alkali cleaner ncmoqraFh. Alkaline-earth and heavy-metal soaps. Alkaline phosphatase reagents.
Alkema, Chester Jay. A566035 ■ AlKhalil, Faysal. Al-Khlrniq bint Kidr. All about acupuncture therapy. All about Anchorage and southcentral Alaska. All about baseball.
All about being a Christian. All about bird. All about crop-dusting. All about gross whopper glganteus horribilis.
All about living in the Washington area. All about mlnibikes. All about numbers. All about paragraphs; paragraphs that work.
All about putting. All about rabbits as pets. All about I'epentance. All about us.
All along the way. All-American bachelor. All American hockey contest.
Allan, Don G. Allan, Mabel Esther.
Allan, Richard G. Allanbrook, Wye Jamison. A572959- Alland, Alexander, Sr. Allardice, Corbln. Allardyce, Paula. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. INDEX 2927 All arourtd. Oulberry bush.
Allaway-j Wellington J. All 1-ecause ot a clock notion.
All because of Him. Allbeury, Ted E. All- Church Press, Inc. Allcott, John V. Alld ridge, Norman A. Alleged shakedown was ignored.
Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Number 3 (PA) A578885 - A578891. Allegheny Valley, PA, criss cross, 1974 issue.
Allegiance to Jesus, A547076. Allegory of a drummer. Alle Kronen dieser Welt. Allen, Alex B., pseud.
Allen, Alice E. Allen, Anita. Allen, Anthony Lawrence.
Allen, Arthur A. Allen, Carole Jeannine. Allen, Charles Livingstone.
Allen, Crowley Clark, Jr. Allen, David G. Alien, David S. Allen, David W. Allen, Edward H. Allen, Elisabeth Offutt. Allen, Ernest.
Allen, Fern Edna. Allen, Garland E.
Allen, Genevieve P. All4n (George) and Unwin, Ltd.
Allen, Gerald. Allen, Gerald L. Allen, Gilbert W. Allen, Greer. Allen (Ian) Ltd. Allen, Ida Bailey.
Allen, James B. Allen, James E. Allen, Janet M. A581917 ■ Allen, John M. A553018 - A553025. Allen, Julie. Allen, Larry.
Allen, Lawrence A. Allen, Louis A.
Allen (Louis A.) Associates, Inc. Loyd Vernon, Jr. Allen, Margaret Buell. Allen, Marilyn, A579134. Allen, Miller. Allen, Nancy. Allen, Nina Stromgren.
Allen, Pamela P. A547141, Allen, Patrick Francis, A587028. Allen, Richard, A561243, Allen, Richard D, R584719 - R584724.
R593456 - R593^58, R593'*6o, Allen, Robert D. Allen, Robert L.
Allen, Robert N. Allen, Robert R. Allen, Robert S. Allen, Robert Thomas.
A582396, Allen, Robert W, A579924. Allen, Rodney. All^n, Sydney. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. BOOKS July-Dec. H.) and Company, Ltd.
Alien, Wilkes. Allen, William D. Allen, William Otis. Allendale organizer. Allendale ' s. Allen management program.
Allen Manufacturing Company. Allen Manufacturing Company. Allen Fastening Systems.
Allen scoping the V-6. Alien Testproducts DivisiSft. Allen verbatim. Allergy and your child. Allergy Foundation of America.
AHertcn Paik Institute, 19th, l'ojiticellc, II, 1973. Alletsee, Rainer.
AFO-7875'* • Alley, Ann E. Alley, Louis Edward. Alley, Walter, A554267. Alley Alligator. A555578 - A555582. Alley Theatre Guild, Houston, TX. Alley Theatre presents 'Cookbook.'
All for the love of Cassie. Allgoewer, M. Allhands, James Lewellyn. All holidays cookbook. Alliance for knowledge.
Alliance you can trust. Allied Chemical Corporation (27l) re- search notes, October 10, 1974.
Allied engineering manual and purchas- ing guide: electronic components for industry. Allied occupation of Japan, 19^5 - 1952. Allied Publications, Inc. Allied Refrigeration, Inc.
Allied Telephone Company of Missouri, Inc. Allies for freedom; blacks and John Brown. Alligator under the bed. A574578 - 574579- All-important eighty/twenty split. All in a day's work. 'All in all': attitudes toward nature in some works of VJordsworth and Holderlin.
All-in-'Orte liheiiking plan. Allinson, Alec.
A546l84 - A546201. A553168 - A553171.
A592571 - A592574. Allinson, Beverley. A546184 - A546201. A555168 - A555171. A592571 - A592574.
Allis-Chalmers shop manual. Allison, Charles G. A56 ' Allison, Henry E.
Allison, Ira S. Allison, James L. Allison, Robert D.
Allison gas turbines. Allison torfjmatic converters. Allison transmission interchange manual. Allison transmissions. A546864 - A546865. A568954 - A568956. A568945 - A568944.
A569951 - A569952. A595795 - A595794. Alliteration k. A580591- Alliterative tradition in the Middle English lyric. Allizon, Marie Benoite. All kinds of clues.
All kinds of clues: the bookmark skills review. Allman, Fred L., Jr.
Allmon, Dean Edward. All my lovers. All ir,y own. All new, all-metal tube-wringer. All-new Duwe modular mausoleum crypt system.
All new knotless tatting designs. All new 1975 jet journey to the stars for boys and girls. All new summer 1974 Republic Auto Supply Company wholesale catalog. The Allocatior cf resources in municiFal fire protection. Allocation of teachers among ability grouped classes in seven suburban high schools. All-occasion card and gift calendar.
All of our aircraft are missing. All of Us, Inc. All organ primer for all spinet organs. All other perils. Allott, Miriam.
All outdoors cookbook. Alloway, Thomas. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 1974 INDEX Alloy additive calculator. Alloys index.
All Points Relocation Service, Inc. Allport, Gordon Vf. All purpose counter, kindergarten and pre-priraary. Allred, Dorald M. Allred, Harold M. Allred, James K. Allred, Ruel A.
All risks physical loss or damage (financial institutions) mortgage impairment insurance. Temperature con- All-seasons automoti trol parts. Allsen, Philip E.
All set for Labor Day. All sorts of things.
All souls' night. All-Star Cheerleader Conference. All-star leader. All-state Legal Supply Company. A584850 - A584853.
Alltaa als Uebung. All the answers to all your questions about training pointing dogs. All the best in Cuba. All the best in Mexico.
All the Bible ' s men of hope. All the lonely people: a study of alientation. All the past was gone: four heroic tales of Joseph Conrad. All the pretty horses. All the resources you need are in your mind. All these puzzles. All the shadows went away.
All the silken webs of spiders. All the things you never knew about our American Presidents. All the tomorrows to come. All the wife' s men. All things bright and beautiful.
All things new. All through the night with Howard Hunt. All times possible. All together: Christian personality in focus. All upon a sidewalk.
Allure poetique, 1924 - 1974. Allusion: using other men's flowers. Aii we're meant to be: a Biblical approach to women's liberation.
All year school model and the costs of public education in Panama. Allyn, Robert C. Allyn and Bacon, Inc. A550860 - A550864. A557299 - A557306. A560773 - A560775.
A561580 - A551581. A561596 - A561597. A561599 - A561611.
A568766 - A568774. All the best 2 west coast. South America: A573739 - A573741. A583943 - A583944. A58900I - A589002.
Almac muslcard systems. Alinanacco dello Specchlo. Almanac for Saint Thomas airport planners. Almanac of tusiness and industrial financial ratios. Almanac of the canning, freezing, pre- serving industries, 1974. Almanac Publishing Company. Almeras, Edouard Serot.
SEE Serot- Alraeras,' Edouard. A-LM French, new second edition. A-LM German, new second edition. Almon, Clopper, Jr. Almost sure convergence.
Almquist, Don. A-LM Spanish, new second edition, level 1. Alo, Richard A. Aloha, Sarasota, PL, Bahia Vista Estates, Sara Lake, November I8 1974. Alone no longer. Along love's way: poems, drawings, photographs. Along new ways.
Along the freedom trail during the 200th anniversary of the blockade of Boston Harbor (the Boston port bill) executive planning calendar, 1974. Along the Niger River: an African way of life. Al6ng the way.
Alonzo Purr, the seagoing cat. Alosi, James Carl. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any addifional records that may exist.
BOOKS July-Dec. Alperin, Howard J. Alpsrn, Dwight K. Alpern, Steven Robert. Alperovitchj R. Alpsrt, Bernard.
Al'pert, lakov L'vovlch. Alpertj Joel J. Al Pflueger's Fisherman's handbook. Alpha Awareness. Alphabet activity cards for fan.
Alphabet book. A557559- Alphabetical Africa. Alphabetical index to popular baseball cards. Alphabetical last of ccirfound names, fcrmulde and letererices to futlished infrared spectra. Alphabet Innovations collection. Alphabet Innovations' Collection of weighted standards: the overvieights.
Alphabet Innovations International, Inc. Alphabet Jackson.
Alphabet — learn bv reference. Alphabet: m - r. Alphabet of the imagination: literary essays of Harold Clarke Goddard.
Alpha Corporation of Ame J5930i*5. Alpha ItG Alphabet soup. Alphabet: s - z.
Alpha brain waves. Alpha Center, Chicago. Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity. Alpha Chi Sigma group life insurance plan. Es of loM and hiqh D respiration and ninq and to auditor Alphagenlcs: how to use your brain waves to improve your life. O- HBDH Max-pack. Alpha Library Press.
A546345 - A546346. A562201 - A56^^04. Alpha Oil Company, Ltd., a Califor- nia limited partnership. Alpha radioassay using liquid scin- tillation with energy or pulse shape discrimination. Alpha scattering on four zirconium isotopes. Alpha syllabus: a handbook of human EEC alpha activity.
Alpha system programmer's guide, version 2, level 4, second edition, and others. Alpha to omega. Alpha user's guidfe, v^rslfth 5, level 4, third edition. Alpine Enterprises. Alps Al (iadi Kamal al Din ibn al Hasan 'All ibn al rfablh al Misri. SEE Ibn al Nablh al Misri, Al Cadi Kamal al Din ibn al Hacan 'All. Alrich Publications.
Alro Steel and MSC. Alro Steel Corporation.
Alro Steel Corporation catalog and reference book. ALR third quick index for 5I - 57 ALR3d. Al-Sadi, Akeel Hany Saeed. SEE Sadi, Akeel Hany Saeed A1. Al-Salem, Faisal S. SEE Salem, Faisal s. Alsatian mayors of the 'coin frontalier:' a study of small- town mayors in a changing society.
A573192- Al-Sayed, Abdul Malik Ahmed. A586139- Alschuler, William Richard. Al'S Hant-'h'-Egg^r and Beidy Shop again.
Alshin, Harry A. Alsin, Mary Lou. A546037- Alskog, Inc. Alsmeyer, Henry Louis, Jr. Alsobrook, W.
Alsop, Gulielma Fell. Alsop, Stewart. Alstadt, Donald M. Alston, Doris H.
Altadena Indexers. Al Tal, Abu Tammam Hablb ibn Aus. SEE Abu Tammam Habib ibn Aus al Tal. Altar boy today. Altavilla, Anthony David.
Altdorfer, Albrecht. Alter, David E., Jr. Alter, Harry. Alter (Harry) Company. A5 86251 A586252. Alter, Irving.
ALTER: (automated legal text entry and revision). Alternate Christmas catalog. Alternate Lifestyles, Inc. SEE Alternatives. Alternate lifestyles: youth ministry notebook 8. These entries alone may not reflect the contplete Copyright Office record pertmning to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Offlce for inforntation about any add.t.onal records that may exist. 1974 INDEX Vocabulary through pleasurable reading. Alternate sources of energy; how much: when: what? Special report E-007. Alternate tests in modem biology, 1973. Alternative culture: an educational perspective.
Alternative future: a vision of Christian Marxism, A559393. Alternative institutional configura- tions of health maintenance organiza- tions: an exploratory study. Alternative learning environments. Ftlternative ueasures of risk and ex post pcrtfclic perf or [Dance. Alternative models for CDCs.
Alternative models of salesmen's response to financial incentives. Alternate modes of eonseiousness: a Whiteheadean approach. Alternative natural energy sources In building design.
Alternative schools, the development of options in public education. Alternatives in Religious Education, Inc.
Alternatives in research design: the measurement of goal conflict. Alternative three dimensional conceptual environments in Virginia. Altheide, David Lynn. Alther, lisa.
Althoff, John. Althouse, Harold L. Al 'ribrizi, Abu Zakariya Yahya ibn 'All al Khatib. Altiok, Richard D. Al Tidom Association, Inc. Altlnger, Hans. Altizer, Susan Badger.
Altman, Gerald G. Altman, Helene Beaulieu, Jr. Altman, Mariea. Altman, Mary Ann. Altman, Norman H. Altman, Philip L.
Altman & Weil's How to manage your law office. Altner, Guenter. Altobelli, Richard J. Alton-Godfrey Rotary Club, Alton, XL. Altruism, attribution and intrinsic motivation in the recuitment of blood donors. Altruistic behavior: cross-situational consistency and individual differences in three field studies.
Altschuler, Alan. Altschuler, Franz. Altschuler, Richard. Altura, Harold C. Altura, Wilda L.
Altvater, Otto. Alty, Charles Mayhew. Aluko, Michael Olarewaju Alafe. SEE Alafe-Aluko, Michael Olarewaju.
Aluma towers. Alumbaugh, Sue.
Aluminium alloys — determination of copper-- electrolytic method, AF39337. Aluminium and aluminium alloys, determination of iron, ortho- phenanthroline photometric method.
Aluminium and aluminium alloys, determination of manganese, photometric method (manganese content between 0,005 and l,5Sf) AF39299. Aluminium and aluminium alloys, determination of silicon, gravimetri method. Aluminium and aluminium alloys, determination of silicon, spectro- photometric method with the reduced silicomolybdic complex. Aluminium fluoride for industrial use--prepacat ion and storage of test samples.
Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium. AP39417 - AF39419, AF39424. Aluminium-Verlag, G, M. APO-77759- Aluminium-Zentrale, E. Aluminum and magnesium povjder, 1974. Aluminum Company of America. Aluminum dockboards standard price schedule: DKB-SPS-974.
Aluminum industry, August 1, 1974. Aluminum industry comment, May I7, 1974. A560110, Aluminum stocks, July 8, 1974.
A555664, Aluminum structural plate offers new concepts for drainage and passageway uses. Aluminum: the energy bank.
Alumnae Advisory Center, Inc. Alumni banquet J B U homecoming, 1974. Alvarado School Art Workshop, Inc. Alvarea, Dagoberto Pacheco.
Alvarez, Jose. Alvarez, Walter C. Alvarez-Tostado, Jose M. Alverdens heraldik 1 farver. Al Vessa's Melody and chord guitar method, A571792. Alvin Silverstein's The Bio- logical sciences. Alvis, John Edward.
Always abounding in the work of the Lord. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 2932 BOOKS July-Dec.
Always a wanton. Always I'll remember. Always keep hope going for you. Always on the run.
Always together, horses and all. Alwin, Robert H. Alwin, Virginia. Alyea, Hubert N. Alyson's journal.
SEE American Management Associations. Amahl and the night visitors. Amalu, Samuel Crowningburg. SEE Crowningburg-Amalu, Samuel. Aman, Reinhold A. High tides (197'* calendar) A5 66908. Amarillo, TX.
Amateur astronomer's handbook. Amateur Athletic Union of the United States, Inc. Amateur filmmaker's handbook of sound sync and scoring. Amateur FM conversion and construction projects. Amateur painter's handbook.
Amateurs don't make a dime selling hardgoods. Amateur snatch. Amato, James.
Amato, Robert A. Amazing authority of the Christian believer. Amasing Kennedys. AI-1^91- Amazing Life Games Company.
A591f 59.;i591561. Amazing mazes. SEE Annuity Marketing Corpora- tion of America. SEE American Music Conference.
Amazing Recipe Scrapbook. Ajinq stor es, Feb. 19U8 K59k21it. E Aitaziiiq year. Azcn India n designs frcB and Guiana n «ocd catvinq A5e9957.
Ambac Industries, Inc. Packard Instrument Company, Inc. Ambac Industries, Inc. Packard - Instrument International, S.A. Ambassador College bulletin, general catalog, 1974 - 1975. Ambassador College, Pasadena. Ambassador College, Pasadena.
Agrioultural Research Department. Ambassador Mail Advertising Company, Inc.
Amber, John T. Araberson, Margaret. Ambiguity tolerance and general incongruity adaptation level as organizational variables. A587225 - AMBI. SEE Association for Modem Banking in Illinois. Ambjornson, Karl H.
Ambjornson, Karl Harold. Ambler, Allen Leon. Ambulatory care center/emergency service system. Ambulatory care orojeot. Ambulator^' Pediatric Association. Anibargey, Jay K. Amdock Corporation.
Amicus Street. A557693 - A557595. A5577ft2 - A557749.
Ameijide, Ray. Amelco Window Corporation, A584075. Amelia Earhart. Amensty International. A-M Enterprises. Ameraee Corporation.
A55l85t • Ameraee Csrporation (NYSE: AAE) As^tSsgg. Antferada Hess Corporation. Amerada Hess (progress report) May 31, 1974.
America, a personal history of the history of the United States. America Direct, Inc. America goes to the fair.
Atiiferisa is Christmas. A5^9599- America lives. Americana afghans by Bernat. American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East. American Academy of Arts and Letters. American Academy of Family Physicians.
American Academy of Judicial Education. A566745 - A566747. A566797 - A566799. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolar jnngology. American Academv of Orthooaedic Surgeons. American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 1974 INDEX Am^rifian Acadsmy of Pediatfics. Air.erican Academy of Pediatrifts.
American Academy of Pediatrics, Inc. American Academy of Pediatrics, Inc. Subcommittee on Accidental Poisoning. American Academy of Physical Education. American Academv of Religion. A567123 - A567124. American Accounting Association.
American Acupuncture College, Inc. American adventure. American after Nixon: the age of the multinationals. American Airlines. American Airlines (oj) research notes, September 26, 197't. American Air Liquide, Inc.
American Air Mail Society. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation.
National Association for Girls and Women in Sport. A580808 - A58081I. American and Palestinian humanistic synthesis. American Animal Hospital Association. American Anthropological Association.
American Antiquarian Society. American Apparel Manufacturers Association.
American Apparel Manufacturers Association, Inc. ^^^^li'r^^Mvra.lss.l Company, Inc. A5o4678, American Arbitration Association A55630g.
American archivist, volumes 21 - 30 1958 - 1967. American art in upstate New York. American-Asian Educational Exchange, Inc. ' A566715- American Assembly, Columbia University SEE Columbia University.
American Assembly. American Association Bloanalysts. Proficiency Testing Service. American Association for Jewish Education. American Association for Social Psychia- try. American Association for Textile Technology, Inc.
American Association for the Advancement of Science. American Association for Vocational Instructional MateriP's. American Association of Avian Pathologists, Inc. American Association of Bloanalysts. American Association of Clinical Chemists, Inc.
American Association of Community and Junior Colleges. A553't3^- A575879. American Association of Dental Schools. American Association of Elementary- Kindergarten-Nursery Educators. American Association of Housing Educa- tors, Inc. American Association of Housing Educa- tors, theme: new environmental aware- ness and its influence on living space. Amsi-ican Associatlort of Medical Clinics.
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. American Association of Orthodontists. American Association of Petroleum Geologists. A5'^7065 -547066. American Association of Physical Anthropologists.
American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Inc. American Association of Plant Pood Control Officials. American Association of Retired Persons. Artferiean Association of Spanish- Speaking Certified Public Accountants.
American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. American Association of University Professors.
Ohio Conference. American Association of University Women.
American Association of University Women. Buffalo Branch, Inc.
American Association of University Women. Maryland Division. American Association of University Women. Pullman Branch, WA. American Association of University Women. Texas Division.
American Association on Mental Defi. American astrology digest. American Astronautical Society. A555589 - A555592.
American Auction Association, division of Bowers and Ruddy Galleries, Inc. Presents The Austin collection, to be Offered at mail bid and public auction sale. May 31 and June 1, 1974. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 2934 BOOKS July-Dec. American Auction Association^ division of Bowers and Ruddy Galleries, Inc., presents The Doctor Curtis R.
Paxuian collection. American Auction Association, division of Bowers and Ruddy Galleries, Inc. SEE Bowers and Ruddy Galleries, Inc. American Auction Association. American Automatic Control Council. American Automobile Association. A5S2984 - A582988.
A588578 - A5S853t. American automotile racing. Arasrlcan Bankers Association. Artferiean Bankers Association. A564582 - A564589.
A593267 - A595270. American Bar Association. AS57036 - A557040. American Bar Association. Committee on the Traffic Court Program.
American Bar Association. Division of Communications. American Book Company. American Book Company mathematics target system. American Book Company's individualized literature program, 200. Atierican book prices current. American Bouvier Des Flandres Club, Inc.
American Bowling Congress. AraiSrifi&rt B6vJllng C6rtgi'^ss.
PUblit Relations Department. American Bristol Industries, Inc. American Bankers Association. Bsnk Investments Division. A564582 - A564537. American Bar.ktLS Association.
Fducdticn/Iia lliinq fclicv Task Force A5932b7. American Bankers Association key to routing numbers, 1974. American Bankers Association. Opera tions and Automation Division.
American tanker; Aisociaticn. Faymen Svstem Flannin 3 Di7ision. American Bankers Associaticn. Pensio korkshcp Cciii ttee. American Bankers full time recruiting manual. American Bankers Life Assurance C.impany of Florida.
American Bankers recruiting manual. American banking community and New Deal banking reforms, 1933 - 1955. American Baptist Board of Educational Ministries. SEE American Baptist Churches of the U.S.A. Board of Educational Ministries. American Baptist Churches in the USA.
Board of National Ministries. American Baptist Cliurches of the U.S.A. Board of Educational Ministries. A559471- American Baptist Home Mission Society. SEE American Baptist Churches in the USA. Board of national Ministries.
American Bar Association. Project on Standards for Criminal Justice. American Bar Association. Section of Corporation, Banking and Business Law. Committee on Corporate Laws. American Bar Association.
Section of Labor Relations Law. American Bar Association. Section of Local Government Law.
American Bar Association. Special Committee to Survey Legal Needs, A563985. American Bar Association. Standing Committee on Association Commxinica- American Bar Foundation. A563935- A568217. American Bible Society.
BB45722 - BB45725. American bicentennial series, vol.1. American Billing Corporation.
American biographies. American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. American Board mission to the Zulu, 1835 - 1900. American Board of Pediatrics, Inc. American Bureau of Shipping.
American Bureau of Shipping. Container Section Staff. American Business Consultants, Inc. Aiii«;rican Business Products, Inc. (ABP) July 2, 1974. American Camping Association. American Camping Association, Inc.
American- Canadian edition of Foulsham's original Old Moore's I975 almanack. American casebook series. American Chemical Society, A545882. A553380 - A553385. A582767 - A582771. American Cheiical Society. Ccmmittee on Cheiristiy and Public Affairs.
American Chemical Society. Division of Chemical Marketing and Economics. American Chemical Society.
Division of Environmental Chemistry. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.
1974 INDEX American Chemical Society. Division of Organic Chemistry. Committee on Nomenclature. American Chemical Society. Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc.
American Chemical Society Symposium on Environmental Pollution Control, New- York, 1972. American Chemical Society Symposium on Microencapsulation: Processes and Applications, Chicago, 1975. American Chemical Society Symposium on N-Chelated Alkali Metal Compounds, 1st, New York, 1972. Ani^rlaan chess masters frem Morphy to Fischer. American children of Krsna: a study of the Hare Krsna movement. American Chiropractic Association.
American chromatic non-representational sculpture of the 1960's. American city, 1890 - 1920: a search for understanding and control. American civil engineer, I852 - 197'*! The history, tradition and develop- ment of the American Society of Civil Engineering. Aift^riean Civil War.
American Clan Gregor Society, Inc. American Classical College Press. And American Coin Exchange. American College of Cardiology. American College of Hospital Adminis- trators.
A579766 - A579769. American College of Life Underwriters. A58573I - A585736. American College of Physicians. American College of Probate Counsel. American College of A576572. Liology, Chicago.
American College of Surgeons and American Surgical Association.-.Study of Surgical Services in the U.S. American College of Surgeons.
Brooklyn- Long Island Chapter. American College Personnel Association. American colleges and the problem of personal chastity. American College Testing Program. American college testing program, ACT, for college entrance. American College Testing Program Career planning program (grades 8-11) A586022. American College Testing Program, Inc.
A558337 - A558344. American College Testing Program, Inc. Research and Development Division. American commemorative reference panel, 1874 - 1974. American communicative gestures: the emblem repertoire of white, middle- class males in the Western United States. American communities. A561577 • A561578.
American communities, teacher's guide. American composition and rhetoric. American compromise: theme and method in the histories of Bancroft, Parkman, and Adams. American Concrete Institute. American Concrete Institute. Committee 315.
American Conference on Teachers ' Cen- ters in Mathematics Education, 1st, Saint Louis, 197'* • A5725'*3 ■ American confidence man. American College of Surgeons. A587619 - 587621.
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. American Constitution: cases and materials. American Consulting Engineers Council. American Consumer, Inc. American Cost Reduction Corporation. American Council of Learned Societies.
American Council on Education. American Council on Education annual report, 1973. American Council on Education.
Commit- tee on the Financing of Higher Education for Adult Students. American Council on Education.
Office of Governmental Relations. American Council on Education psycho- logical examination for college freshmen. American Council on Education psychological examination for college freshmen: manual of instructions. American Council on Education psycho- logical examination for high school students.
American Council on Education psycholo- gical examination for high school students: manual of instructions. American cowboy.
American Crafts Council. American Crystallographlc Association. American Cyanamid.
American Cyanamid Company. American Cyanamid Company (ACY) under- writing progress report, June 11, 197t. American Cyanamid Company. Lederle Laboratories Division. American Dance Guild, Inc. American Defense Preparedness Associ- ation.
American Dental Association. A553137- A553139. A5'*7008 - A547012. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 2936 BOOKS July-Dec.
Aiiierittan Detitsl Association. American dental cabinets.
Ame.lean Desiqn Industries. Merican Diabetes Associationj Inc. A565963 - A563971. American diaries in manuscript, I58O - 195**. American Die Casting Institute.
American Die Castinq Institute, nanaqeuent Control commi ttee. American diplomacy and the atomic bomb, 19't5 - igit'. American diplomatic history: issues and methods. American directory collection aqencies, ISTt. American Doctor Johnson: Anglican piety and the eighteenth-century mind. American dream--revisited. American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association.
American drug index, 1974. American economic aid to Thailand. American economic history, fifth edition. American economy.
American economy and the planning impulse: a study in the evolution of growth policy. World War 1 to the present. Anierican education abroad. American Educational Research Associa- A546423.
American educaticn: a probiem-centered approach. American education, 1975. American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc. American English for international businessmen. American English today: the tools of English. Ameriesn Enterprise institute for Public Policy Research.
American Enterprise Institute perspec- tives, 1. American ethnic groups and the revival of cultural pluralism. American ethnic groups: a source- book. American ethnic plays. American experience.
American Fletcher National Bank and Trust Company, Indianapolis.!,Blt6713. American experience: drama. American experience: fiction. American experience: nonflction. Aiiisricirt experience: poetry. American Express Asset Management Company.
American farmer: a glimpse into the world and heart of the American food grower and his family. American Federal tax reports. American Federation of Arts. American Federation of Jews from Central. American Federation of Information Processing Societies, Inc. American Film Institute.
American Film Institute guide to college courses in film and tele- vision. American First Committee: the rhetoric of adjustment. American FisHnq Tackle Manufacturers American Folklore Society. American folk poetry: an anthology, A585454. American Footwear Industries Association. American Foundation for the Blind, Inc. A 566483 A566895 A573453 A573578 A575907 A575908 A575909 A581079 A581080 A582186 A5 84063 American Foundation for the Blind re- search series 22.
American Foundation, Inc. American fried: adventures of a happy eater, and others. Arterie^n gaging practice for metric screw threads. American Gas Association.
A546753 - A546764. A557817 - A557819.
A576256 - A576262. American gastronomy. American General Insurance Company, comment of second-quarter earnings. 'American Geographical Society of New York. R586951- American Geclcqical Institute. American Geophysical Union. American Goat Society, Inc.
American gothicism: the evolution of a mode. American government. American government and the right to vote. American government in action. American Government: Introduction and background.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.
1974 INDEX Amsi-ican government: the facts re- organized. American government through science fiction. American Greetings Corporation. American Group Practice Association. American A54960Q guide to U.
Coins merican A556071 A556072 Guild of Or gani sts merican 1975. EB1467J1 haird C6S er ' =' ion ^ American handbook of psychiatrv. American health policy: perspectives and choices. American health: professional privi] versus public need. American Heart Association. American Heart Association, Inc. American Heart Associationj Inc.
Council on Cardiovascular Surgery. American heritage. 4=77749 A575285 BB45661 American heritage, a compendium of merchandise in celebration of the bicentennial of these United States. American heritage century collection of Civil War art. American heritage history of seafaring America. American Heritage history of the law in America.
A5f American Heritage Publishing Company, Inc. American Heritage Publishing Company, Inc. SEE McGraw Hill, Inc. American Heritage Publishing Company, Inc. American Heritage Society bicentennial series, desk calendar, 1975. American Historical Association. American history.
American history: freedom and crisis A558072. American history 1607 - 1877. American Hoist and Derrick Company. American home.
Am_erican Home Products Corporation (AHPl A557163. ^ American Home Products Corporation. Ayerst Laboratories. American Home Products Corporation. Wyeth Laboratories.
American hooked rugs, an exhibition and sale on the premises of Douglas LeRoy Joslln, October 5 - 25, 197'*. American Hospital Association. A559953 - A559956. A551116 - A561II8. A5B258* • A593187 - A593192- American Hospital Association guide to the health care field. American hospital formulary service. American Hospital Supply Corporation.
Dade Division. American Hotel and Motel Association, Educational Institute, East Lansing, MI. American Hotel Association Directory Corporation.
American Humane Association. American Humane Association. Children's Division. American Humane Association. Children's Division.
National Clearinghouse on Child Neglect and Abuse. American illustrated medical dictionary. American Immigration and Citizenship Conference. American Indian. American Indian and the United States. American Indian food and lore.
American Indian in America. American Indian prose and poetry: we wait in the darkness. American Indians of San Diego County. American Indians play chicken scratch.
American Industrial Arts Association. American Industrial Arts Association. American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. American Industrial Hygiene Association. American Industrial Real Estate Association.
American influence on the development of higher education in Iran. American Institute for Marxist Studies, New York. American Institute of Architects. A572404 - A572408.
American Instittte ct Architects. Architects Society of Ohio. American Institute of Architects. Documents Board. American Institute of Architects membership directory, 197^. American Institute of Banking.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. A560448 - A560454. A582675 - A582684. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Auditing Standards Division. American institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Auditing Standards Executive Committee.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Board of Examiners.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Committee on Scope and Structure. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 2938 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Committee on State Legislation. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. Continuing Professional Education Division.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers. American Institute of Family Relations. American Institute of Homeopathy.
American Institute of Industrial Engi- neers, Inc. BOOKS tetnational fictuteE, Inc American Iron and Steel Institute. American Jet School, Inc., Bichiqan City, IN. American Jewish Committee. American Jewish year book. American Jewish year book 5707 (19^6 R584850. American Jews; community in crisis.
American Journal of Nursing Company. American journey: the presidential campaign speeches of George McGovern. American Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. A581209 - A58l2iiO. A581273 - A581278. A589784 - A589785. Arterican Institute of Physics.
American Institute of Physics, Inc. Aflierican Institute of Planners. American institute of Steel Construction, Inc. American Institute of Timber Con- struction. American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences. American Insurance Association. A557041 - A557042.
A559667 - A559671. A561I19 - A561122. A574703 - A^lkJOH. A576496 - A576499. A579254 - A579256. A584427 - A584452.
A585976 - A585978. American intellectual elite.
American Judicature Society. American jurisprudence. American jurisprudence legal forms. American jurisprudence pleading and practice forms, annotated; state and Federal. American -jurisprudence pleadinq and ccmmcrcial cede articles l'- 9. A5S33b American jurisprudence, proof of facts. A576680 American jurisprudence proof of facts supplemental quick inde.x covering POP 2d volumes 1 - 5 • A584102.
American jurisprudence trials. American Kidney Fund. American labor; a new era? (1950s-1970s) A578569. American labor; beeoraing an institution (1870s - 1920s) A579224. American labor; dividing and growing (1930S-195OS) A578568.
American labor: its changing image (195OS-197OS) A578567. American land law.
American lanquace today Purple sand cassette tapes; teacher's quide. Anterlcan Law Book Company. American Law Institute. A581113 - A581116. A553152 - A553153. A581306 - A581308.
A584879 - A584882. A590851 - A590852. A592956 - A592958. American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. American law of charter parties and ocean bills of lading, fifth edition. American law of mining.
American law of products liability. American law of veterans.
American law of zoning. American law reports ALR Federal.
American law reports, ALR Federal: cases and annotations. American law reports, ALR 3d, cases and annotations. American law reports ALR third quick index for 5I - 57 ALR3d. American law reports; ALR 3d quick index for 51 - 59 ALR3d. American learned societies in transi tion. American Learning Systems, Inc. American lecture series, publica- tion no.
American lecture series, publica- tion no. American Legal Publications, Inc.
American Legal Research Corporation. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 1974 INDEX American legal system. A582286 - A582290. American legends, Johnny Appleseed sampler.
American Legion. American Legion Auxiliary. American Library Association. A5695O6 - A5695IO.
American Library Association. Office for Intellectual Freedom. American Library Association. Resources and Technical Services Division. Resources Committee.
National Union Catalog Subcommittee. American library history. American life: one man's road to Watergate. American literary scholarship. American literature. Ami^rican live drama in the year 2000 — & Delphi study.
American Lutheran Church. American malacologlsts. American Management Associations A551838. A580532 - A580533. A580536 - A58055O. A531205 American Management Associations.
A546614 - A546616. A546947 - A546948. A548643 - A548644. A578763 - A578764. A580534 - A580535.
A5B1205 - A581208. A581279 - A581281. A593193 - A593197. American Management Associations.
Executive Compensation Service. American Management Associations. Presidents Associations. American Map Company, Ine. American Marine Bank, Bainbrldge Island, WA. Anl^rifian Maritime Cases, Inc. Ting Association.
American Marke A 5^^6731. American Mathematical Society. Afflsrlcan Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America Conference on the Influence of Computing on Mathematical Research and Education, University of Montana, Missoula, 1973. American Medical Association.
American Medical Association. Center for Health Services Research and Development. A576847 • A593315. Am^i'lcirt medical directory, 1575. American Medical International, Inc. American memoir.
American men and women of science. American Messianic Fellowship.
American Military Institute, Manhattan, A575918. American Miniature Schnauzer Club, Inc.
American missionaries and the Chinese communists: a study of views express- ed by Methodist Episcopal church mis- sionaries, 1921 - 1941. American Missionary Association in Louisiana during Reconstruction. American mix: the minority experience in America. American Monorail, Inc. American Monorail materials handling equipment replacement parts, supple- ment 304A. American Monorail repair parts price list.
American Monorail 200 series. American Morgan Horse Association, Inc. American Motor Carrier Directory. American Motor Carrier Directory: New England edition, 1975. A570965- American Motorcycle Association. A5717't5- American Museum of Natural History, New York.
American Music Conference. American Mutual Insurance Alliance. American narrative painting.
American National Government. American National Red Cross. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. BOOKS July-Dec.
American National Standard. For titles 'beginning with American National Standard and not listed below SEE registration numbers under: American National Standards Insti- tute. American National Standards Insti- tute, Inc.
Anlferiiian National Standard American gaging practice for metric screw threads. American National Standard jig bushings.
American National Standard precision inch gage blocks for length measure- ment (thru 20 inches) A54849('. American National Standards Institute. A5^5o68 - As^tsoeg. A553000 - A553002. A560874 - A560879. A56088I - A560883.
A571192 - A571I95. A571I98 - A57II99. A575Si2 - A575863. A575869 - A575870.
American National Standards Institute. Committee X3. American National Standards Institute, Inc. A546753 - A546764.
A557817 - A557819. A571186 - A571191- A571196 - A571197.
A576256 - A576262. A580276 - A580278. American National Standards Institute, Inc. Task Group NI5-I.5 on Fuel Reprocessing. American National Standard steel butt- welding end valves. American National Standard steel pipe flanges, flanged valves, and fittings. American Natural Gas Company.
American Navy, 1865 - 1918: a bibliography. American Navy, 1918 - 19^1: a bibliography. American Newspaper Publishers Association. American Nuclear Society, Inc. American Nuclear Society, Inc. Standards Committee. Working Group AHS-15.1.
American Nurses' Association. American Nurses' Association. Statis- tics Department. American odyssey. American Clean Tile Company. A553962 - A553967.
A592667 - A592671. American opinion index, 1973. American Optical Corporation. American Optical Corporation. Medical Division. American Options Corporation.
American Optometric Association. American Optometric Association. Professional Development Divison. American oriental series. American Oriental Society. American origins: the age of discovery and explorations packet 109.
American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, Inc. American overseas guide, edition 1974 / 75. American overseas shopping and service guide: Europe, 1974 / 75.
American overture. American painting. American F A584135. Per Institute. American Paper Institute instrumenta- tion program, report no. American peoples encyclopedia.
American Personnel and Guidance Association. Association for Counselor Education and Super- vision. American Personnel and Guidance Association. Association for Counselor Education and Super- vision. Commission for Women.
American Petroleum Institute. AB62596 - A5626OO. American Petroleum Institute.
Division of Production. American Petroleum Institute. Division of Refining.
American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44. A552596 - A562600. A592493 - A592494. American Pharmaceutical Association. American Philosophical Association. American Philosophical Society. A555646 A57S655 A579088 A588451 A589661 American Photographic Book Publishing Company, Inc.
American Physical Fitness Research Institute. Amerlean Physical Therapy Association.
California Chapter. American Physiological Society.
American planning: past-present- future. American Plant Life Society. American cocket katch iden txfication These entries alone may not reflect the compiete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 1974 INDEX Aitlferlcan Podiatry Association. American poetry and prose. American policy toward Portuguese Africa: a study in non-crisis policy formation. American pclitical behavior: achie-!i5e9367. Artsriian politisal.
S4i*n4^ A6So«iati6rti A573675. AiTlferican politics and government: selected basic reference works.
American Polygraph Association. American popular music: the 20th century. American populism. 'merican pottery.
American President Lines, Ltd., intermodal freight tariff number 8. American Press Institute, Inc. American Printers, Ltd. American problem in British diplomacy, 1841 - 1S6I.
American Psychological Association. American Psychological Association, Inc.
American Public Health Association. American Puritan imagination: essays in revaluation. American Quarter Horse Association. American quilts, quilting, and patchwork. American race car drivers. American racing manual. American radical press, l330-196o.
American Radio Relay League, Inc. American reaction to limited war in Asia: Korea, and Vietnam, 1950 - I968. American Recorder Society, Inc. American Red Cross basic rescue and water safety. American reference books annual, 1970 197 't. American regionalism and social education: a study of the implications of American regionalism for the social-studies programs in New England schools.
American Register of Exporters and Importers Corporation. American religion. American Rental Association. American Revolution.
American Revolution, America's first war for independence. American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut.
American Revolution bicentennial movable letters poster. American Revolution: 200 years of freedom. American: river of El Dorado. A557439 - 557440.
American rocketry. American romance and Italian reality in the nineteenth century. American rose annual, 1974. American Rose Society. American roulette. American saddle horses in South Africa AI-14360.
Americans all. American sampler. American Savings and Loan Institute. American Savings and Loan Institute Press.
American-Scandinavian Foundation. American scene: American painting of the 1930's. American School, Chicago. American School study guide for French 2. American Scientific Glassblowers Society.
American Screw. American sculpture, A557199.
American self-portraits, 1670 - 1973. Americans for Effective Law Enforce- ment, Inc. Art^ricans for Effective Law Enforce- ment, Inc. Law Enforcement Legal Defense Center.
Americans from Germany: a study in cultural diversity. American sign language dictionary. Americans in distress. American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry.
American Society for Industrial Security. American Society for Medical Technology. American Society for Metals. A563384 - A565388. AF39491 - AF3949J.
Ai-14461 - Al-14463. Ameriean Society for Microbiology.
American Society for Testing and Materials. A550612 - A550617. A550844 - A550845. A5727I7 - A572719. A575576 - A575580.
A5839't5 - A583954. A590784 - A590790. A592646 - A592649. American Society for Testing and Mater- ials.
Committee B-4 on Metallic Mater ials for Thermostats and for Electri- cal Resistance, Heating, and Contacts. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. BOOKS July-Dec. American Society for Training and Development J Inc.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, A5486'»7. American Society of Agronomy^ Inc. American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Committee on Hospital Planning and Construction. American Society of Appraisers. American Society of Bakery Engineers.
American Society of Cliartered Life Underwriters. American Society of Civil Engineers.
A547065 -547066. American Society of Clinical Pathologists, A553618. American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Inc.
A557105 - A557115. A559354 - A559355. A559673 - A559674. A574066 - A574072. Df Cli ft=8155. Amsted Industries, Incorporated.
Amsted Industries, Inc. Macwhtyi Wire Rope Company. Amster, Linda.
Arostutz, Ferdinand. Amsurf '7^, Cleveland, 197 '+. Madison Industries.
(NYSE: ATI) Amurri, Antonio. Amusement business. Amusements In developing metric skills. Amy ATanderbilt's Everyday etiquette. Aitiyx, Katherlne McClure.
Anabaptlsm and asceticism: a study in intellectual origins. Anabil Enterprizes, Inc.
Anachera 2020: anachem manual for organic qualitative analysis. Anaconda Company. Brass Division. Anaconda Metal Hose. Anaconda expansion joints. Role in disease. Anaerobic bacteria: A58766I.
Anaesthesie im Alter. Anaesthesiologie und Wlederbelebung. AFO-78327 AP0-7B4a7 AFC-79139 Anaesthesiology and resuscitation, 82. Anagnostikon Ees tai STes ellenikon scholeion exoterikoy (B' kuklos surdidaskalias ) A563II8. Anais Nin reader.
Nalecta Hue; AFC-79C28. Erli s/Billbcard Fut- SiLi Billboard Analisis de la comunidad. Anilog systems, 5133- A559269. Analogue study assessing the effects of three training procedures on non-verbal assertive behavior.
Analyse extraterrestrischen Materials. Analyses and measursd sections of Penna- sylvania bituminous coals A57706I. Analyses of real estate investments. Analyses (sic) of selected aspects of student teaching abroad.
Analysis and classification of four critical approaches to Chaucer in the twentieth century. Analysis and evaluation of the effect of variable compensation on cost, improved performance and the level of unionization in industry with special reference to the railroad industry and management information serv- ices groups.
Analysis and interpretation of the gases released from various sites in rocks and minerals. Analysis and measurement of the performance of a signal tracking loop for a satellite radar altimeter when excited by a random process. Analysis and optimization of discrete Fresnel laser resonators. Analysis capsule; Dams6n 1974 exploration fund, August I9, 1974. Analysis capsule: Texas International Drulling Fund, series B, July 17, 1974. Analysis, design, installation and testing of basic surface safety systems on offshore production platforms. Analysis (factor 300) A565211.
Analysis (factor 24) A563206. Analysis of a counselor training design and graduates' perceptions of that design. Analysis of A.I.D.' S participant training program. Analysis of an appraisal, by graduates, of the specialist and doctoral programs in educational administration at Michigan State University, I965 - 1972. Analysis of assumptions underlying language arts instruction in open education. Analysis of August 1974 magazine advertising.
An Analysis c£ casE law resulting from property tax litigation involving nonpublic schccl property leased out or otherwise operated for profit. Analysis of Chicago suburban commercial office space. Analysis of coaching competencies identified ty selected Oregon high school men athletic coaches and schocl principals. Analysis of collective bargaining agreements negotiated under The Pennsylvania public employe relations act during 1970 and 1971. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.
BOOKS July-Dec. Analysis of eommunities. Analysis of Concerto for three clar- inets double string orchestra and percussion. Analysis of Nigeria's educational plans and actual educational develop- ment between 1945 and 1970 A559050. Analysis of nine holy sonnets of John Donne set to music by Benjamin Britten. An Analys cf Conqolese foreign pclicy IshciDbe prime ministry, - October 1965.
Analysis of curriculum content in an associate degree and baccalaureate nursing program. Analysis of deletion mutations in bacteriophage t4. Analysis of demographic data and perceptions held by selected leaders in American education of their educational experiences leading to the Ph. In educa- tion. Analysis of denominational boards in church- related higher education. Analysis of faculty motivation to work in the North Carolina community col- lege system.
Analysis of familial effects in the political socialization of blacte and white youth. An&lysis of flow field around buildings.
Analysis of Gottfried Benn's poem 'Das Unaufhorliche' with reference to the oratorio by Hlndemlth. Analysis of Jasper Heywood's translations of Seneca's Troas, Thyestes, and Hercules f urens. Analysis of July 197** magazine advertising. Analysis of June 1974 magazine advertising. Analysis of local 10 -P.M. Television news in the Dallas-Fort Worth (Texas) metropolitan area as it relates to consumer product benefits. At 87 146 Analysis of Mark Twain's concepts of the child and education.
Analysis of May 1974 magazine advertising. Analysis of metallurgical failures. Analysis of moral behavioral changes by the utilization of Carl Rogers' psychotherapeutic principles of learning contrasted with tradi- tional teacher-centered learning. An Analysis of new developments in Ghana.
Analysis o£ occlusal forces in mandibular terminal hinije position and lateral excursive positions. Analysis of October 19714 maqazine advertising. Analysis of organizational charac- teristics and climate in selected church career counseling centers.
Analysis of Pakistan's foreign trade and commercial policies, with refer- ence to (a) Pakistan's withdrawal from the Commonwealth, (b ) Britain's entry into the European Economic Community, and (c ) East Pakistan's secession. A5729^3- Analysis of potentiation of end- plate potential amplitudes at the neuromuscular junction, 1: a quantita- tive description of the rise and decay of potentiation during and following repetitive stimulation, 2: the effect of age on potentiation at the rat neuromuscular junction. Analysis of provisions in selected articles of 1973 - 74 agreements.
A case study of one hiaher education ccnsortiun. Analysis of relationships among situational variables, personality dimensions, and teaching hehavior, A587223. Ana,lysis of retention of a compressed speech message among various intelli- gence levels, rates of compression, and retention intervals.
Analysis of role functions and competencies of nutritional care dietitians and dietetic technicians for use as curriculum inferences. Analysis of rural subdivision develop- ment on selected reservoirs in the Trinity River Basin, Texas. Analysis of secondary school social studies methods courses in Ohio colleges and universities, 1973. Analysis of selected in-service train- ing programs for nonmanagement office personnel with Implications for designing, conduct.! Ng, and testing an in-service training program. Analysis of self-esteem and aca- demic achievement of tri-racial isolate, Negro and Caucasian ele- mentary and middle school boys and girls.
An Analysis of self-perceived rcles and status of tlack administrators in selected public cominunity cclleges. Analysis of September 1974 magazine advertising. Analysis of Seward Hiltner's systematic pastoral theology and its value and application to contemporary American Catholic pastoral theology. Analysis of some nuclear magnetic reasonance spectra. Analysis of some possible effects of public school instruction in general semantics upon societal cohesion. Analysis of special California work- Analysis of specific neighborhood youth corps job assignment and school attitudes. Anklysis of student health service pro- grams in Florida's community colleges.
Analysis of structural complexity of verbal responses as related to pausing, socioeconomic status and race, A5b7601. Analysis of suggested standards for published forecasted financial infor- mation. Analysis of superintendent turnover in unitary school divisions in the Pro- vince of Manitoba and its relation- ship to methods of selection and pro- cesses of employment.
Analysis of tasks performed by reference personnel in college and in university libraries in Indiana. Analysis of teacher behavior in variously structured second grade classrooms. Analysis of teacher education curricula in five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Analysis of the application of instructional technology systems in learning resources centers of selected comprehensive community colleges in the mid-Atlantic region. Analysis of the attitudes of selected high school teachers toward career education. Analysis of the Dartmouth College case with respect to its impact upon the evolution of higher education. Analysis of the demand for mobile homes with implications for the financial structure of the mobile home industry through 1975.
Analysis of the drilling character- istics of bovine bone. These entries alone may not retlect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. INDEX 2947 Analysis of the effect of the stage of ego development, life position, and goals on factors of achievement for female freshmen students at a small liberal arts college. Analysis of the effects of plants on the microtopography of semiarid regions. Analysis of the environmental attitudes of university faculty and administra- tion.
Analysis of the financial expansion of business corporations engaged in the manufacture of paper and allied pro- ducts, 1950 - 1968. Analysis of the functioning of the fact finding process in selected teacher- school board negotiation impasses in New York State. Analysis of the Greensboro labor market through 1980. Analysis of the invsstfflent and related financial management practices of Pennsylvania school districts.
Analysis of the judgmental proc- esses of security analysts. A558293- An Analysis ct the loqicdl and ethical icundations o£ the rhetoric of Spiro I. Aqnew in attacking the mass media through a systematic andlysis of the evidence. Analysis of the off -campus urban pro- fessional laboratory experiences pro- vided for secondary teacher trainees at selected colleges and universities in the State of Illinois:, A5't9507.
An Analys ntaticns of:£ the ori principals, and supe- rintendentE in the public schools of Kentucky. Analysis of the Pension reform act of 1972) (Employee retirement income security act of 197^1) A5875^8. Analysis of the personal economic know- ledge of North Dakota high school juniors and seniors.
Analysis of the planning procedures utilized by school districts that have implemented differentiated staffing. Analysis of the process of pupil- teacher planning to identify manifest- ations of the affective domain. Analysis of the redistributive effects of a one-and-one-half percent income tax for Lane County, Oregon.
Analysis of the relationship between the use of paraprofessional personnel and cost /achievement in the elementary schools of California. Analysis of the role and the tasks of the urban prineipalshlp as perceived by principals and central office administrators in the Providence, Rhode Island School Department. Analysis of the tole of tne supervisor in a model designed to use teachers and students cooperatively in planning ctrriculum. Analysis of the techniques of playwrlt- ing used by Barrie Stavls in his tetralogy. Analysis of the theoretical foun- dations of PPB: environmental assumptions.
Analysis of the trends of financial support by philanthropic founda- tions to general programs In U.S. Higher education, I955 - I97O. Analysis, vol.1, no. Analysis of the use of engineering technology in the hospital and clinical environment.
Analysis of the use of management con- tracts by property and liability in- surance companies. Analysis of the variation among Ranau Dusun communities of i^abah, Malaysia.
Analysis of the world cocoa economy in 1980. Analysis of three methods of instruc- tion employed with preservice elementary school teachers to develop competency in science process skills. Analysis of two mnemonic techniques in learning and recalling abstract and concrete words.
Analysis of variance in complex experi- mental designs. Analysis of variation in the Hispan- iolan giant anole, Anolls recordi Dumeril and Bibron. Analysis of war and peace in specified world history textbooks. Analysis report form. Analysis Section, Digital Computation Department.
SEE Draper (Charles Stark) Laboratory, Inc. Digital Computation Department. Analysis Section. Analysis sheet. Analysis: the housing codes of the fifty states (Including the District of Columbia) A587424. Analysts handbook: composite corporate, per share data — by Industries. Analytical and experimental analysis of unbonded contact problems.
Analytical applications of ion-molecule reactions. Analytical approach to the New Testament. Analytical concordance of the published non-Biblical documents from Qumran Cave one. Analytical encyclopedia of thermoplas- tic materials. Analytical instrumentation market in Europe. Analytical ion-exchange procedures in chemistry and biology: theory, equipment, techniques. Analytical method of outlining essays and research papers.
Analytical methods applied to air pollution measurements. Analytical outline of Revelation. Analytical Planning Corporation. Analytic and generative approach to remedial writing. Analytic geometry. Analytics, Inc.
Analytics of multibank holding company behavior. Analyzing pipe costs. And local politi Analyzing verbal classroom Interaction. An-am-ated verse. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 2948 BOOKS July-Dec. Anamorphosis of Eve. Anarchism in the dramas of Ernst Toller. Anarchist argument: an analysis of three justifications of anarchism. Anarchist collectives. Anarchist collectives: workers' self- management in the Spanish Revolution, 1936 - 1939.
Anaspaz (1-hyoscyamlne sulfate) A545542. Anastas, Peter. Anastasl, Thomas E. Anastasiadis, Fotini. Anastassopoulos, Jean-Pierre Constantin.
Anatotiiical basis of human function. Anatomie topographique, descriptive et fonctionnelle. Anatomy and metamorphosis of head appendages of Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and the effects of a juvenile hormone analog. AMtoray and physiology.
Anatomy and physiology laboratory manual. Anatomy and physiology 2A and 2B, laboratory manual. Anatomy of falsehood. Anatomy of mathematics, A5596IO. Anatomy of official exchange-rate intervention systems. Anatomy of Saurosuchus galilei and the relationships of the Rauisuchid thecodonts.
Anatomy of the lower Mlssissippian delta in southwestern Virginia. Anatomy of the nervous system.
Anatomy of transition: the process of dying and the mechanics of death. Anchor Foundation, Inc. Anchoring and leveling system for improved standarized method for instal- lation of machine tools and machinery. Anchors, Jerry K. SEE CU Leasing Services, Inc.
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Northern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. (Prince Hall Affiliation) Inc. United Supreme Council. Ancient American paradise lost: a pictorial encyclopedia of a lost world, the ecology of plants, animals, Indians, arts, crafts, religion and mythology of pre- Columbian times. Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, Inc. Supreme Grand Lodge.
Ancient art of middle America: selec- tions from the Jay C. Leff collection. Ancient Aztecs. Ancient civilizations of the Americas. Artiient colonels of the air.
Ancient dyes for modern weavers. Ancient Greece in nineteenth-century British historiography.
Ancient Greece to the Middle Ages. Ancient Indonesia and its influence in modern times.
Ancient Lake Cahuilla's fish trappers. Ancient Maya settlement patterns and environment at TlKal, Guatemala: iir plications for subsistence models. Ancient numeration systems.
Ancel, Marti Lance, pseud. SEE Martin, Ancient plants and the world they lived in. Ancient roots of modern satiric fiction: an analysis of 'Petronlan' and 'Apuleian' elements in the novels of Joh.n Barth, J. Donleavy, Joseph Heller, James Joyce, and Vladimir Nabokov.
Ancient wisdom of China blended with contemporary jeweler's art. Ancient wisdom of Egypt. Ancier, William. ANCO Technical Services, Inc. Ancre de misericorde.
Andarlese, Walter S. Lt was very good. Anchor Bay Beacc A547947. And, behold, BB46327.
Andean group: a case study in economic integration among developing countries. Andean lands. Andean structures and activities: towards a study of transformations of traditional concepts in a central highland peasant community. Andelin, Aubrey P.
Andelin, Helen B. Andenaes, Johannes. Anderegg, Carla. Anderegg, Mary Ann. Andersen, Al.
Andersen (Arthur) and Company. A566970 - A566985. A583368 - A583370.
A687't7l - A587472. Andersen, Carl M.
Andersen, Hans Christian. Andersen, F;ristin, pseud. SEE DuEreuil, Linda. Andersen, Linda. Andersen, Martin P. Andersen, Patty. Andersen, Robert Allan.
Andersen, Thomas Brian. Andersen, Wilson K. Andersen Corporation. A590253 - A590256. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 1974 INDEX Andeffeert Windowslis. A590255 - A59025O. AFO-78695- SEE Anderson, Arthur AndersoHj Alan H.
Anderson, Alasdair. Anderson, Alma J. Anderson, Annette Jeanne. Anderson, Artnar James.
Anderson, Barbara Ann. Anderson, Barbara Carol.
Anderson, Barry. Anderson, Barry S. Anderson, Beverly J. Anderson, Bruce McDonald. Anderson, Carl. Anderson, Caroline. Anderson, Charles H.
Anderson, Clifford P., Jr. Anderson, Clinton P. Anderson, Dan. Anderson, Dave. Anderson, David L. Anderson, Deborah.
Anderson, Dennis. Anderson, Don Dicmann. Anderson, Douglas. Anderson, Edgar A. Anderson, Edwin A. Anderson, Eli2ab6t ASSOliT.
Anderson, Enid. Anderson, Pay Bennett. A58S737 - Anderson, Floyd Douglas. Anderson, Prank. Anderson, Prank W. Anderson, Frederick R.
A555063 - A555069. Anderson, Frithiof E. Anderson, Gene Cranston. Anderson, George K.
Anderson, George L. Anderson, Gerald H. Anderson, Gilda Oakleaf. R58 — ' Anderson, Gloria. Anderson, Gordon. Anderson, Gretchen. Anderson, Harold H.
Anderson, Henry Dwight. Anderson, Hodell. Anderson, Howard R. Anderson, Ina Merle. Anderson, Jack L. Nderson, A554414.
Anderson, Jane McDill. Anderson, Jay Martin. Anderson, Jayna, A553254.
Anderson, Jean, A578258. Anderson, Jody Rhoads. Anderson, John Edward.
Anderson, John F. Anderson, John G. Anderson, John Lonzo. Anderson, Josephine Ball.
Anderson, Julian G. Anderson, Keith k. A587535 • Anderson, Kelton Lee. Anderson, Kurt. Anderson, Leland E.
Anderson, Lonzo. Anderson, Lonzo. SEE Anderson, John Lonzo. Anderson, Lorena A. A572012 - A572019. Anderson, Lowell A.
Anderson, Lucia L. Anderson, Mable B. Anderson, Mae L. Anderson, Margaret J. Artderson, Margaret Ruth.
Anderson, Mary. Anderson, Maxwell. Anderson, Merilee. A566991- Anderson, Mictael F. Anderson, Mildred Alma.
Anderson, Mildred Wright. Anderson, Norma Joan. These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work.
Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. BOOKS July-Dec. Anderson, Odin W.
Anderson on the Uniform commercial code. Anderson, Paul. Anderson, Pauline C. Artderson, Poul.
Anderson, (Juentin. Andsrson, Raymond A.
Anderson, Raymond T. AAd^i'Sdnj Rayrtond W. Anderson, Re.x. Anderson, R'onald A. ^luiecEcn, rtcbett P.59J5S6.
Anderson, Robert A560842. Anderson, Robert A579280. Anderson, R^bert A581212.
W, Andeiscn, Boqer A589517. Anderson, Roger. SEE Anderson, Ronald A577935. A, Anderson, Ronald A585't20. Anderson, Ronald Eugene. Anderson, Terence. Anderson, Thomas G.
Anderson, Thomas J. Anderson, Valerie. Anderson, Vira B. Anderson, Walter. Anderson, Walter Inglis.
Anderson, Wayne J. A562569 • Anderson, Wayne William. Anderson, Miiiiam S. Anderson, William M., Jr. Anderson, William T. Andragogical need assessment based on projecting Images of the future. Anderson Hospital nomenclature of neo- plastic disease.
Anderson (M.D.) Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston. Anderson Pennsylvania civil practice. Anderson's Code of ordinaces for adoption by villages in Ohio.
Anderson transcripts. And even a child shall lead them. And got the nerve to say. Andino, Alberto. Motorola Manual Rdu2080d here. And I remember Spain. And I remember Spain: a Spanish Civil War anthology.
Andleer, Inc. SEE Clymer Publications. And live forever: a conpilaticn of And now, Israel. Ando, Toshio. Andorfer, Joseph Christian. Andover League of Women Voters (MA) A571756.
Andover town handbook. And perhaps: the story of Ruth Dayan.
And points south. Andrake Company, Inc. Andre, Michel. Andre, Sam E. Andreano, Ralph L.
Andreasen, M. SEE Rosslo, Louis. Andrei Sakharov: On Alexander Solzhenitsyn' s 'Letter to the Soviet leaders.
Andre Malraux. A559191- Andrene wisse. A562439- Andreopoulos, Spyros. Andreotti, Aldo.
And replenish the earth. Andresen, Jack. Andresen, William.
Andrew, Brother, pseud. SEE Vandjrbljl, Andrew. Andrew, jean. A577095 - A577100. A5S15t heatsr tubs thickness in petroleum refineries.
SEE: American Petroleum Institute. Asian Parts International.
API standard ggO (fifth edition) Welded steel tanks for oil storage, August 1974. API standard 620 (fifth edition) tecoirintniaed cules for desiqii and ccnstructicn of large, welded. API user's manual for APIli*B subsur- face controlled subsurface safety valve sizing computer program, June 197'*. API well number and standard state and county codes. APLj an interactive approach. Apling, Elsie. Apocalypse: dominant contemporary forms.
Apocalypse mural guide. Ap6calypse of Elijah. Apocalyptic novel: Moby-Dick and Doktor Faustus. Apodaca, iiosa tlcdia. Apologetic writings of Yahya b. I^Adi (tenth century): their significance in the history of the Muslijn-Chris- tian encounter and their impact on the historical development of Muslim and Christian theology.
Apology for printers. Apostate angel.
Apostles and witnesses. Apostolic Formation Center for Christian Renew-all^ Inc. Apostolon, Billy. Apotheosis of Marilyn Sehultz. App, Austin J. Appalachia: its people, heritage, and problems, A580339.
Appalachian Books. Appalachian Consortium. Appalachian dawn. Appalachian waters 1: the Delaware and its tributaries. Apparel and decorator fashion fabrics, fall and winter 1974. Apparel catalog of half sizes and women's sizes, spring and summer 1974.
A545239 - A545242. Apparel trades book, Credit Clearing House, a division of Dun and Bradstreet, August 1974. Apparent consumption of distilled spirits, by class and type, calendar year 1973. Apparent consumption of distilled spirits by class and type, January - March, 1974. Apparent consumption of distilled spir- its, by months and by states, 1968 - 1973. Apparent viability of the public access (community) cable television idea in urban North America. Appartement du jeune couple.
Appeal and error — civil cases. Appearance at the Fourth Circuit. Appearance of justice.
Appel, Alfred, A585499- Appel, Gerald. Appel, Martin. Appelbaum, Mark I. Appelbaum, Stanley. Appell, Claude, pseud. SEE Cogan, Paul. Appellate courts.
Appellate Judicial opinions. Appelman, Hyraan. Appendix certificate of registration. Appetite stimulation aids method. Appetit vient en lisant. Apple, David Joseph.
Apple, Loyal E. Apple, Michael W. Apple and Square in the eye. Applebaum, Anne. Applebaum, Harold. Applebaum, Stan.
Applebee, Arthur N. Apple bites back. Applebury, T. Appleby, John T. Appleby, Jon. Appleby, Joyce 0.
Applegate, Howard G. Applegate, Stanley Ainslie.
Apple-growing community, Yakima, WA. Apple laundry bag. Appleman, John Alan. Appleman, Lucille E. Appleman, Mllo Don. Appleman, Milo Don, Jr, A563341.
Applesauce adventure tours for children. Apple storage, controlled atmo method.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office record pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S.
Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist. 2958 BOOKS July-Dec. Appleton, Marion Brymner. AppletoHj William Worthen. Applewood Press. Appleyard, James. Apfliance r€fair course: cc appliances, f 569756.
Pplicabilitv in tiorth tai A592'3Tt. Hypermarket hvpe ary.
Aptflitfirtt Sii:'4*rtirtg t5i'6t6tf61S, A563gqii. Application A569824. Data DS-406, docK seals, description manual. Application A57850I.
Application for appointment as oWnSr of a Duraclean service business. Application for membership. Application for membership in the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massa- chusetts. Application guide to computers in econometric modeling.
Application note catalog, August ig?' Application notes, Packard 90OO series energy dispersive 2-ray analyzers. Application of experiences in two in- service programs to the development of a paradigm for diagnostic super- vision. Application of financial audit tech- niques. Application of flow-approach to the study of domestic marketing abroad: a case study of India's motion picture industry, A551309.
Application of functional job analysis to the development of curriculum gidelines for the protective services field. Application of Guthrie s contiguity model of learning to the theoretical basis of systematic desensitisation in the treatment of cynophobios. Application of householder transforma- tions to the solution of large photogrammetric triangulation problems. Application of modeling techniques to the study and forecasting of energy needs, energy supply, environmental impacts, the assessment of new tech- nology, and alternatives. Application of multidimensional scaling techniques to the quantifica- tion of the coiTifort variable for use in binary disaggregate mode-choice models. A565376, Application of neoclassical growth models to regional growth in the U. Application of operational auditing techniques.
Application of rubber elasticity theory to crosslinked denatured collagen. Application of small group techniques to training in community participa- tion: a field experiment. Application of the need press paradigm to the socio-psychological adjustment of freshmen to the college: a comparison of counseling and non- counseling populations, A575057.
Application of time-saver method to Stokes' third order wave theory, A55OO97. Application of transactional analysis theory to the icasuceiiien t of marital happiness. Applications and forms workbook. Applications in mathematics, course E. A557210 - A557215. Applications of ion beams to metals, A547202, Applications of liquid scintillation counting.
Applications of pupil assessment information: for the special educa- tion teacher. Applications of the operational amplifier. Application scftkare 3 APS307 for B700 systems. Applications of unified social theory to the development of a general theory of popular culture. Applied and computational complex analysis. Applied differential and integral calculus. Applied foodservice sanitation, instructor's guide.
Applied foodservice sanitation, student manual. Applied fundamentals of automated pneumatic materials handlinq.
Applied hydrocarbon thermodynamics. Applied instrumentation in the process industries. Applied linear statistical models: regression, analysis of variance, and experimental designs. Applied linguistic analysis. Applied mathematical systems.
Applied mechanics for engineering technology, A567714. Applied microbiology. Applied polymer symposia. A545882, A576771. Applied Power, Inc. A549863, A560347.
A564137 - A564190, A567166, A567435 - A567437. A572339 - A572340. A573553 - A573564. A576062 - A576063. A585852, A585854 - A585856.
A591854, Applied Power, Inc. Automotive Product Service Division. A549863, A560347, A564187 - A564190. A567435 - A567437.
A572339 - A572340. A575553 - A573564.
A576062 - A576063, A585852, A585854 - A585856, A591854. Applied Power, Inc. SEE Applied Power Industries, Inc.