Customer Programming Software Cps Download
DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) is a digital voice (DV) modulation scheme, which becomes more and more popular in amateur radio (ham radio). To be able to use the radio transceivers, all frequencies (channels) used must be entered as a „memory channel“ into the so called codeplug (CP). There is a huge number of local radio repeaters, as well as analogue FM repeaters and simplex frequencies, which all have to be entered into the CP by typing it manually into a programming software (CPS).
Only in Germany we currently have about 300 DMR repeater, which expand to about 700 channels (2 timeslots + many mixed mode FM) only for DMR.. Marx Brothers Room Service Torrent. Principle of the CPSProgrammer: CPSProgrammer is designed to interact with the existing vendor-provided CPS software. The vendor's CPS software must be running for CPSProgrammer to update the codeplug that is open in vendor's CPS software Programming this huge numbers of channels (callsigns, frequencies, timeslot & colour code, scanlist, RXGroup, TXContact, etc.) is a huge, boring and annoying pile of work, which can sum up to days CPSProgrammer will make that work much more simple. All DV channels can be downloaded from the DMR database and than can easily be managed and extended by analogue channels, using Excel. A CSV file, to be generated from the Excel table, then will be used by the CPSProgrammer to program the channel information into the CPS.
Portable, Mobile and Repeater Customer Programming Software (CPS) Package - Software Package includes CPS, Air Tracer, Tuner and the MOTOTRBO System Planner. 3 Year Subscription Package Software is compatible with Windows XP & Windows Vista (Home & Professional Versions). Mobiles requires PMKN4147. Should I remove ASTRO 25 Portable CPS by Motorola? Motorola Astro performs digital voice transmission for use by federal, state/province and local public safety.
CPSProgrammer directly accesses the CPS windows controls to transfer the programming information from the CSV-file into the codeplug. The automatic transfer of a few hundred channels into the Radio Programming Software takes a few minutes only. CPSProgrammer requires a well prepared codeplug and a well prepared database (CSV), to be able to minimize your typing work on the codeplug. Additional information can be found at this Yahoo group (founded in April 2016): Features and Limitations CPSProgrammer is an automatic programming (programming robot) of the channel information of a CPS.
CPSProgrammer reads all input-information from a CSV file. CPSProgrammer is designed to interact with the existing vendor-provided CPS software.
CPSProgrammer does not read or write codeplug-files (.rdt,.rcd,.rcdx). The vendor's CPS software must be running for CPSProgrammer to update the codeplug that is open in vendor's CPS software (: 'Principle of the CPSProgrammer'). Currently supported CPS software. • CSI CS700 Radio Programming Software V1.25 (2015-06-04): CS700, CS701, Kirisun DR7100 • CSI CS750 CPS HAM2000 R4.00.27: CS750, CS751, CS800, CS801 • Tytera MD380 Radio Programming Software V1.29.0, V1.30.0: MD380, MD390 • Tytera MD390 → edit [MD380] section in.ini file: WindowTitle=CPS MD-390. Then select MD380 as CPS • Tytera MD2017 • Tytera MD9600 (select MD2017 as CPS) • Retevis RT3 Radio Programming SW, V1.30.0 • Retevis RT82, RT90 (select MD2017 as CPS) • Hytera PD365 Hytera Customer Programming Software, V1.04.03.003.EM5: PD365, PD375 • Hytera PD785 Customer Programming Software (CPS), V7.00.07.020.EM5 / v7.06.02.006.EM5, V8.00.09.007.EM5: MD 655 (G), MD785 (G), PD785 (G), X1p Please note: The new feature of 255 channels/zone is not yet supported (however planned).
• Hytera AR685 → edit [PD785] section in.ini file: WindowTitle. Then select PD785 as CP CPS Compatibility. Table: Compatibility and functionality, currently implemented Write to CPS / Import from.CSV Bulk Edit Export to. Download Sekirei Season 3 Sub Indo Mp4 Youtube here. CSV Supported CPS RX- Group 3) Channels DMR Channels FM Scanlists gen./fill Zones Roaming Lists Delete Channel Edit Channels Channels Scanlists Zones 4) RXGroups CS700 ok (32) ok ok ok ok n. Ok planned ok ok (16) ok CS750 - ok ok - - n.a.
- - - - - HD1 Beta Beta n.a. MD380 RT3 ok (32) ok ok ok ok n.a.
Ok planned ok ok (16) ok MD2017 RT82 planned ok ok ok ok (64) n.a. Ok - planned planned planned PD365 planned ok 1) ok 1) to do 2) ok 2) n.a. Planned planned ok ok (16) planned PD785x (AR685x) ok (64) slow 1) ok 1) ok 2) ok 2) (256) ok 2) planned planned ok ok (256) ok. Unzip all files of the download in a single directory. The zip-file contains the following files: • CPSProgrammer_[ version-number ].exe: Executeable • CPSProgrammer.ini: Your individual settings for cpsprogrammer. See below for details.
• Some sample CSV, just for demonstration. Not for a real codeplug. • Prepared codeplug samples for CS700 / PD785G with scanlists, zones, RXgroups and TXcontacts, but without channels. This codeplug will intentionally cause warnings while programming, just to show how the software works. • This page as pdf • A tutorial with a prepared, empty codeplug, some CSVs and description Sample and first steps.
To start programming, you have to perform some steps in the following order: • Open your Customer Programming Software (CS700/MD380/RT3 or Hytera radio programmer) and load a prepared codeplug, containing at least the required RXGroups and TXContacts (see coding reference below for additional information). • The programmer allows you to create scanlists, write channels and fill scanlists. • Switch to the directory where you have installed the programmer.
• Start the CPSProgrammer and switch to the function, you want to perform. Then select a CSV file, if you want to use another than the default one. • Normally you first create empty scanlists (step 1, required to program the channels).
Next you write the channel information (step 2). Once the channels are defined, you can fill the scanlists with the required channels (step 4). • Start Programming by clicking the related button, e.g. 'Write Channels' or 'Fill Scanlists'. • Now, the Radio Programming Software gets focused, while all the information is automatically written into the codeplug. • Note: Should anything go wrong, click onto the tray-icon on your task-line, to pause CPSProgrammer immediately. Then select to continue or to exit the programmer.
MOTOTRBO Customer Programming Software is a program developed by Motorola. The most used version is 6.5.21, with over 98% of all installations currently using this version. The main program executable is mototrbocps.exe.
The software installer includes 54 files and is usually about 42.48 MB (44,544,749 bytes). Deviceupdate.dll is the automatic update component of the software designed to download and apply new updates should new versions be released. In comparison to the total number of users, most PCs are running the OS Windows 7 (SP1) as well as Windows XP.
While about 57% of users of MOTOTRBO Customer Programming Software come from the United States, it is also popular in AF and Germany. Program details. Or, you can uninstall MOTOTRBO Customer Programming Software from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel. • On the Start menu (for Windows 8, right-click the screen's bottom-left corner), click Control Panel, and then, under Programs, do one of the following: • Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall a Program.
• Windows XP: Click Add or Remove Programs. • When you find the program MOTOTRBO Customer Programming Software, click it, and then do one of the following: • Windows Vista/7/8: Click Uninstall. • Windows XP: Click the Remove or Change/Remove tab (to the right of the program).
• Follow the prompts. A progress bar shows you how long it will take to remove MOTOTRBO Customer Programming Software.