Quake 4 Pc Iso Download

Posted in: admin15/11/17Coments are closed

Ai pessoal e so seguir os passos conforme nosso colega A.G.R postou logo em cima podem seguir passo a passo que fumfou legal ****Dicas para instala QUAKE 4**** 1°) Passo exrtaia os arquivos para uma pasta qualquer.De preferencia crie uma pasta na aria de trabalho. 2°) Comece a instalar quando pedir o SERIAL digite um desses abaixo. 3°) Depois de instalar o QUAKE 4 copie a pasta RSRC localizada na pasta SETUP,para onde o jogo foi instalado, depois de copiar a pasta RSRC, abra a pasta e copie os arquivos para a pasta QUAKE 4. 4°) Copie a pasta DEViANCE para mesmo luga onde a outra pasta RSRC foi copiada.

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Abra a pasta e copie o icone Quake 4 para a pasta QAKE 4. 5°) E um bom jogo!!!!!!!! Galerato vendo que mta gente ta tendo o msm problema.Eh o seguinte.Isso tb rolou aki no pc,mas arranjei um jeito de jogar e funfar de boatipoO jogo possui um sistema que verifica no servidor do jogo se seu serial eh original.Pra isso,ele precisa estar conectado na internet.Para jogar,vc desconecta da internet,poe o serial q vc conseguiu da net,e entra normalmentesem problemas!Mass se vc eh como eu,q vive baixando jogos,filmes,musica e etce ficar com a net desconectada eh perda de tempo,apos acessar o menu,iniciar o jogo e talz,aperta Alt+tab e conecta de novo,ae n vai ter mais problema! Tipo,terminei de baixar,e deu esse problema,pq a net tava conectada. Perl Editor For Windows 7 Free Download. Agora de manha,fui tentar jogar de novo com a net desconectada,e consegui de boanem serial pediu 😉.

Info adapted from Wikipedia.org --- 'Quake 4' is the fourth title in the series of Quake first-person shooter computer games. The game was developed by Raven Software, published by Activision and released in 2005. Raven Software collaborated with ID Software, the creators and historical developers of preceding Quake games. In this case, ID Software supervised the development of the game as well as providing the 'Doom 3' engine, now referred to as 'ID Tech 4'. Plotwise, the game is a sequel to Quake II and takes place during the same war as Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. The Quake 4 single player mode continues the story of Quake II by pitting the player against a cyborg alien race known as the Strogg. The game follows the story of a Marine named Matthew Kane who is a member of the fabled Rhino Squad.

Following the success of the protagonist of Quake II in destroying the Strogg's leader, the Makron, Rhino squad is tasked with spearheading the mission to finally secure the aliens' home planet Stroggos. » » » INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS « « « Download the 2 RAR files and Unpack/Extract them into the same Folder. You will get an ISO file and 3 Folders. Burn the ISO as a DVD or Mount it in a Virtual Drive. Install the game (do not apply the Crack). Install the Update located in 'CD-key + Patch' (it asks you to install Punkbuster, which is needed to play Online, but I couldn't find any Servers). The Update acts as a no-CD patch but unfortunately it makes your CD-key invalid.

But you can circumvent that by doing the following, step by step: 1) click Start button on Taskbar ->select 'Run.' (Windows Key + R) 2) Enter 'c: windows system32 drivers etc hosts' without quotes. Quotes is this sign rght here: ' 3) A dialog box opens.

Choose 'Notepad' 4) Now you will see a Page explaining what the hostfile is and what it does. Go to the very last line in the entire document, the one that says ' localhost'. 5) In the line after ' localhost', under it you will add '' now press TAB button and now add 'q4master.idsoftware.com'. MAKE SURE YOU HIT 'TAB' TO GET THE SPACES RIGHT (DO NOT copy or write the quotes sign. This sign here: ' ) 6) Save changes, exit the document.

7) Launch Quake 4. The key will be automatically validated and you can play. Dead Island Product Code Keygen For Mac.

8) If you have trouble doing this, send me a PM or look in the Folder 'invalid CD-key fix', click on the 'HTML' file or 'hosts.txt' for explanations. After that, go to the extracted Folder called 'invalid CD-key fix' and open 'CD-key.txt'. Write one of the lines of Code on a paper (the game does not support 'Alt-Tab'). Alternatively, you can also use any other Key you find. Start the game, it will ask you for the Key. Enter it without any 'signs' or 'spaces'.

You should now be able to play the game almost Bug-Free and with Multi-Core Support (go to in-game Options menu). Installation and Setup is now finished and You are ready to Play now if you like. » » SIKK MOD « « If you want to play with SIKKMOD, just go th the extracted Folder 'SikkMod' and extract the contents of the RAR file to the Game's Directory. To play the game with SikkMod make shortcut of 'Quake 4.exe' to your Desktop (if it's not there already) righ-click on it and choose 'Properties', next click on the Tab 'Shortcut' in the top. Now add the line of text below right next to the quotes on the line that says 'Origin.Destination.' Something like that.

Don't know what it says in English or your OS language. IMPORTANT: (press 'Spacebar first then copy the following line of text) +disconnect +set com_allowConsole 1 +set fs_game sikkmod [This also disables the annoying Intro Videos and enables the Console for Cheating and other uses].HAVE FUN.

THAT'S AN ORDER SOLDIER!! »» SikkMod Images ««.