Sociology A Brief Introduction By Richard T. Schaefer Ebook
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This revised edition of Richard T. Schaefers Sociology: A Brief Introduction provides students with a comprehensive, up-to-date presentation of sociology. Students learn to think critically about society and their own lives from a wide range of classical and contemporary perspectives. Combining balanced coverage of theory with current research findings, examples that stude This revised edition of Richard T. Schaefers Sociology: A Brief Introduction provides students with a comprehensive, up-to-date presentation of sociology.
Students learn to think critically about society and their own lives from a wide range of classical and contemporary perspectives. Combining balanced coverage of theory with current research findings, examples that students can relate to, and abundant learning aids and exercises, the new edition continues to encourage the development of sociological imagination. Greater coverage of globalization through a new chapter and boxes focusing on Social Change in the Global Community help remove ethnocentric blinders and teaches students to think globally about issues and policies..
Overall it was informative, and made me think differently about interactions I had with people on a daily basis. My minor criticism was on the chapter on religion when they referred to Wicca as a quasi-religion ( almost, maybe?)most Wiccans and Pagans are still in the broom closet because of negative perceptions.
The book traced the origins back to Gardner but in truth the religion goes back further than Christianity, back to the Celts and other ancient peoples. So besides that chapter, it was a Overall it was informative, and made me think differently about interactions I had with people on a daily basis. My minor criticism was on the chapter on religion when they referred to Wicca as a quasi-religion ( almost, maybe?)most Wiccans and Pagans are still in the broom closet because of negative perceptions. The book traced the origins back to Gardner but in truth the religion goes back further than Christianity, back to the Celts and other ancient peoples. So besides that chapter, it was a good overall book for introduction to Sociology, not my major just a required. When your bachelor's and master's are not in the field that you are planning to do your doctorate in, you know you're in trouble!
Ha ha ha (Looking left and right to see if my advisers are here.) But, well, I'm not afraid to tell you that don't be embarrassed to try to find a decent, comprehensive undergraduate textbook to jump start you with ideas. It is normally written for those who have absolutely no idea what they are in for. That sounds pretty much the case like most doctoral students any When your bachelor's and master's are not in the field that you are planning to do your doctorate in, you know you're in trouble! Ha ha ha (Looking left and right to see if my advisers are here.) But, well, I'm not afraid to tell you that don't be embarrassed to try to find a decent, comprehensive undergraduate textbook to jump start you with ideas. It is normally written for those who have absolutely no idea what they are in for.
That sounds pretty much the case like most doctoral students anyway! I am grateful for the excellent world Professor Schaefer has done over the years. My version is slightly different than this one, probably two editions older and also an international version.
But I'm sure he would only get better and better. Professor Schaefer manages to make a dreadfully difficult, theory-laden field like sociology sounds relevant, even remotely exciting! Suddenly, I sort of get a picture what I'm in for and not sort of lost as I have been when I tried some local textbooks! Descargar Libro Lazarillo De Tormes Vicens Vives Primaria. Don't be discouraged by the sheer size (it's almost like a coffee-table size), it is packed with fun facts at digestible portion.
Moreover, there are a lot of pictures, graphs, charts, etc. I'm a visual person, remember? So this thing speaks to me really well. At more than 500 pages, it is too heavy to lug around unless you plan to use it as a weight-training tool.
And to be seen with books with titles like Sociology may not sound as sexy as Nuclear Physics. So, it stays at home most of the time, remaining my loving companion when I get stuck and need some fresh ideas. It is very basic, though, mind you. And you have to wake up to the fact that you still have to do the 'dirty work' yourself somewhere else. But Professor Schaefer has made your life much more simpler. So, for that, thank you, Professor Schaefer!:-).
Make Sociology new with McGraw-Hill’s Connect Sociology and the 10th edition of Sociology: A Brief Introduction. New to Connect is Investigate Sociology, a brand-new tool that develops students’ sociological imaginations by placing them in provocative scenarios where they must analyze various sources and determine a solution. Connect also comes with LearnSmart, an adaptive questioning tool proven to increase content comprehension and student results, as well as fun interactivities like In their Shoes and Applying the Perspectives that teach sociology’s three theoretical frameworks. Finally, make sure students come prepared to class by assigning our many e-book activities. With McGraw-Hill’s digital tools, focus on what you do best—teaching.
Unique to this program, Sociology: A Brief Introduction encourages students to take sociology with them in their everyday lives, just as Rick keeps a small notebook of daily sociological events. In Sociology brief, instructors get the most trusted content in manageable form.
This, coupled with powerful digital learning tools, makes Sociology brief an ideal choice for your introductory course. 'synopsis' may belong to another edition of this title. About the Author: Growing up in Chicago at a time when neighborhoods were going through transitions in ethnic and racial composition, Richard T. Schaefer found himself increasingly intrigued by what was happening, how people were reacting, and how these changes were affecting neighborhoods and people’s jobs. His interest in social issues caused him to gravitate to sociology courses at Northwestern University, where he received a B.A.
In Sociology. 'Originally as an undergraduate I thought I would go on to law school and become a lawyer. But after taking a few sociology courses, I found myself wanting to learn more about what sociologists studied and fascinated by the kinds of questions they raised.' This fascination led him to obtain his M.A. In Sociology from the University of Chicago.
Schaefer’s continuing interest in race relations led him to write his masters’ thesis on the membership of the Ku Klux Klan and his doctoral thesis on racial prejudice and race relations in Great Britain. Schaefer went on to become a professor of sociology. He has taught introductory sociology for 30 years to students in colleges, adult education programs, nursing programs, and even a maximum-security prison. Schaefer’s love of teaching is apparent in his interaction with his students. 'I find myself constantly learning from the students who are in my classes and from reading what they write. Their insights into the material we read or current events that we discuss often become part of future course material and sometimes even find their way into my writing.' Schaefer is author of the third edition of Sociology: A Brief Introduction (McGraw-Hill, 2000).
Schaefer is also the author of Racial and Ethnic Groups now in its eighth edition, and Race and Ethnicity in the United States, second edition. His articles and book reviews have appeared in many journals, including American Journal of Sociology, Phylon: A Review of Race and Culture, Contemporary Sociology, Sociology and Social Research, Sociological Quarterly, and Teaching Sociology.
He served as president of the Midwest Sociological Society in 1994-1995. Schaefer’s advice to students is to 'look at the material and make connections to your own life and experiences. Sociology will make you a more attentive observer of how people in groups interact and function. It will also make you more aware of peoples’ different needs and interests — and perhaps more ready to work for the common good, while still recognizing the individuality of each person.' 'About this title' may belong to another edition of this title. Book Description Condition: Brand New. Brand New, 10 edition,, color Printing, Softcover International Edition., GET IT FAST within 2-5 business days by UPS/DHL worldwide express with Tracking Number.
Book is printed in English. NO PO Box, APO, FPO address. This is international edition. The international edition will has different ISBN and Cover design from US edition. Occasionally, international textbooks may come with different exercises at the end of chapters. Restricted sales disclaimer wordings //Not for Sales in USA and Canada// are printed on the cover of the book.
It is legally to use the international edition in North America. We may ship the books from Asian regions for inventory purpose. Seller Inventory # 4911 .