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GraphicsMagick is originally based on (forked from) ImageMagick 5.5.2 in November 2002, from the version distributed by ImageMagick Studio LLC, which is itself forked in August 1999 from ImageMagick developed by E. Du Pont de Nemours and Company starting in 1992. Other than utilities being executed as sub-commands of the 'gm' command, the command-line syntax and programming APIs remain entirely upward compatible with ImageMagick 5.5.2. A better question might be ' How does ImageMagick differ from ImageMagick?' Since ImageMagick continues to alter and evolve its interfaces so they are no longer completely compatible with earlier versions. While GraphicsMagick also adds new features, it does so in a way which assures that existing features work as they did before.
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ImageMagick focuses on adding new functionality and features and has dramatically mutated several times since the fork. GraphicsMagick maintains a stable release branch, maintains a detailed ChangeLog, and maintains a stable source repository with complete version history so that changes are controlled, and changes between releases are accurately described.
GraphicsMagick provides continued support for a release branch. ImageMagick does not offer any of these things. Since GraphicsMagick is more stable, more time has been spent optimizing and debugging its code.
GraphicsMagick is much smaller than ImageMagick and has dramatically fewer dependencies on external libraries. For example, on the FreeBSD operating system, a fully-featured install of GraphicsMagick depends on 36 libraries whereas ImageMagick requires 64. GraphicsMagick's installation footprint is 3-5X smaller than ImageMagick. GraphicsMagick is usually faster than ImageMagick. The baseline execution overhead for simple commands is much lower, and GraphicsMagick is also more efficient at dealing with large images.
GraphicsMagick never picks up new code from ImageMagick as distributed by ImageMagick Studio LLC. Not long after the GraphicsMagick project was started in November 2002, ImageMagick from ImageMagick Studio LLC abandoned the MIT X11 style license it had been using since 1992, and switched between several different licenses until it ended up with one based on the Apache license, which is intended to penalize projects which borrow some of its source code, or fork from it. Since that time, GraphicsMagick has not incorporated any ImageMagick source code. On November 27, 2003 ImageMagick Studio LLC applied to register 'ImageMagick' as its trademark, and it was awarded this registered trademark (serial number 78333969) on August 30, 2005. Those who re-distribute modified versions of 'ImageMagick' (e.g.
Patched or improved) under license as 'ImageMagick' now face the risk of arbitrary trademark infringement claims by ImageMagick Studio LLC. Authors of new features are encouraged to independently contribute their work to the GraphicsMagick project so that it can be released under GraphicsMagick's MIT X11 style license without additional encumberment. In order for a work to be accepted, it must have been developed entirely outside the ImageMagick source base to avoid any possibility of copyright taint. It is well known that some math-intensive algorithms run very quickly on video-card (and stand-alone) GPUs.
Video card vendors encourage you to buy an expensive video card with quite a lot of installed RAM and modify applications to use the GPU via their proprietary or limited-purpose APIs. GPUs are quite effective at producing images for real-time display, such as for video games and virtual reality. GraphicsMagick has been significantly updated to use multiple CPU cores to speed up the image processing, and work continues to thread the few remaining algorithms, or remove inefficiencies in algorithms which don't see as much speed-up as they should.
Linear speedup as cores are added is typical for CPU-bound algorithms on well-designed CPUs. Regardless, is a significant factor in GraphicsMagick, with non-parallelizable code paths often dominating the time. It is my belief that stand-alone GPUs are a poor design (expensive, inefficient, failure-prone, bandwidth bottlenecked, lack functionality, are insecure, and are not supported in servers) and that multi-core CPUs will ultimately prevail. Functionality which currently works best in a GPU will simply be integrated into tomorrow's multi-core CPUs and C compilers will naturally support that functionality.
Once GPU capabilities are integrated into CPUs, there will be no more need to develop specialized code for a GPU. Today 16 core CPUs are readily available for purchase in systems at reasonable prices, and this trend is certain to continue. Intel's offers a 61 core 'x86 CPU in a GPU-like plugin form-factor which provides over a TeraFLOP of performance. Dracula Origin Pc Download Completo. Being based on power-hungry plug-in cards, this solution suffers from many of the issues associated with GPUs.
However, since it supports OpenMP, it may be a suitable target for executing some GraphicsMagick algorithms. Effective use of Xeon Phi currently requires use of Intel's development tools so from that standpoint it is not much more open than GPUs. Future multi-core CPUs will use a similar amount of power to today's CPUs, will idle at very low power consumption levels, and will fit into a very small chassis. Due to this trend, there is no value obtained by expending energy toward developing specialized code for today's GPUs. Use 'gm mogrify'. The 'mogrify' subcommand is designed to operate on any number of files in one command. Normally 'mogrify' overwrites the input files but the -output-directory option (which must appear before any input file names!) allows sending the modified files to a different directory (which could be in a subdirectory).
For example: gm mogrify -output-directory.thumbs -resize 320x200 *.jpg If you encounter command line length limitations then you can have GraphicsMagick expand the file list by quoting the wildcard argument to prevent it from being expanded by your command shell: gm mogrify -output-directory.thumbs -resize 320x200 '*.jpg' and you can also retrieve a list of files to process from a text file (e.g. Named 'files.txt') like: gm mogrify -output-directory.thumbs -resize 320x200 @files.txt where files.txt has one line per file name. If the input file paths contain relative sub-directory paths (e.g. 'foo/file1', 'bar/file2'), you can instruct GraphicsMagick to create a similar subdirectory structure under the output directory by adding the -create-directories option: gm mogrify -output-directory.thumbs -create-directories -resize 320x200 @files.txt Note that the algorithm used to generate output file names is quite simple.
If -output-directory is '/foo' and the file path is 'bar/none.jpg' then the final path will be 'foo/bar/none.jpg'. Based on this it should be clear that when -output-directory is used, file paths should be relative paths rather than absolute paths or else the concatenation won't work. GraphicsMagick uses several freely available packages to perform the translation of certain image formats ( PostScript, MPEG, etc.).
Make sure these packages are available as described in the file. Also verify that you have plenty of temporary disk space. If not, set the MAGICK_TMPDIR (or TMPDIR) environment variable to an area where sufficient space is available. Finally, for PostScript, verify that Ghostscript supports the pnmraw or ppmraw device ( gs -h) and that the document contains valid PostScript statements ( gs
Display your GIF image with. Choose Matte from the Image Edit command menu and identify a pixel that has the transparency color. Press Method and select a matte edit method from a pop-up menu. Choose from these methods: • point • replace • floodfill The point method changes the matte value of any pixel selected with the pointer until the button is is released. The replace method changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with a button press. Floodfill changes the matte value of any pixel that matches the color of the pixel you select with a button press and is a neighbor.
Select your transparent pixel with the pointer and press a button. The image is redisplayed with any transparent pixels recolored to the background color.
You can select other pixels or areas to force to transparent. When you are satisfied, press Return. Finally, choose Save from the command menu and write your GIF image to a file. Note that setting transparency works best on a TrueColor or DirectColor visual.
If your server only exports colormapped visuals you will need to use a Standard Colormap to set transparency. Xstdcmap -best gm display -map list image.gif [ choose Matte Edit ] [ select your transparent pixel then press Return ] [ choose Save ' If you do not have the xstdcmap(1) program, try gm display -visual TrueColor image.gif. Use the -descend option: gm import -descend image.miff or set this X resource: gm import.descend: True By default, quickly grabs the image from the X server. However, it may not always have the correct colors in some areas. This can happen when a subwindow has a different colormap than its parent. With -descend, descends the window hierarchy. Descending involves grabbing the image and colormap of each window or subwindow associated with the window you select and compositing it on a blank canvas.
This can be significantly slower than just grabbing the top-level window but ensures the correct image. Memory allocation is a complex topic in GraphicsMagick and image processing requires a lot of memory. GraphicsMagick tries to take best advantage of the resources available by optimizing its use of virtual memory. Virtual memory is normally the amount of RAM (Random Access Memory) available to the process plus the amount of free space in the system paging area (known as 'swap' under Unix, or a 'page file' under Windows). In addition to the RAM and the paging area, GraphicsMagick is able to expand the amount of virtual memory available by using memory-mapped files which cause the file to be treated as extra memory. A piece of hardware known as the Memory Management Unit (MMU) performs the magic which allows the system paging area and memory-mapped files to be treated as more memory by your system's CPU. Usually when a memory allocation error occurs, it is because the system's paging area is full, or the programs memory (heap) is fragmented badly enough that there is no large-enough block of memory available to satisfy the request.
In some cases the operating system may artificially limit the memory available to the program. Failures of small memory allocations are generally considered fatal by GraphicsMagick. If it is impossible to allocate even a little bit of memory, then there is no point in continuing. When large memory allocations associated with allocating memory for image pixels fail, GraphicsMagick uses that as a key to know that it should start using memory-mapped temporary files to increase virtual memory.
Under Unix and other POSIX-compliant systems, these memory-mapped temporary files are created in either the system default location (e.g. /var/tmp) or the directory set by the TMPDIR environment variable. Under Windows, temporary files are created in the directory set by the TEMP or TMP environment variable. Use the MAGICK_TMPDIR environment variable to specify a directory for GraphicsMagick to write its temporary files. If the temporary file directory is too small, or is itself mapped to the system's paging area (no win!), then GraphicsMagick will fail to allocate more virtual memory via the temporary file and will return an error.
The single biggest factor in how much memory is required by GraphicsMagick is the QuantumDepth setting when it was compiled. The amount of memory (in bytes) required to store a single image in memory is may be calculated via the equation (QuantumDepth*Rows*Columns*5)/8.
As a means of example, the following table shows the amount of memory consumed by a single 1024x768 image using the supported QuantumDepth settings: QuantumDepth Virtual Memory 8 3MB 16 8MB 32 15MB Performing an image processing operation may require that several images be in memory at one time. In the case of animations, hundreds of images may be in memory at one time. GraphicsMagick is designed to be general purpose.
It can display many image storage formats ( Monochrome, PseudoColor, or TrueColor) on many different types of X visuals ( StaticGray, StaticColor, PseudoColor, GrayScale, DirectColor, or TrueColor). To support all these combinations of image storage formats and X visuals, extra memory is required. Additionally, and store an entire image sequence in memory. It is recommended that systems used to run GraphicsMagick have at least 96MB of RAM and 140MB free in their paging area.
Systems used to process large images (do the math!) may require considerably more memory to operate efficiently. GraphicsMagick is proven to be far more efficient at processing huge images when it is compiled as a 64-bit application on a 64-bit capable CPU. RAM is typically 1000 times faster than disk, so it is important to keep as much data in RAM as possible (buy lots of RAM).
The temporary file area should have plenty of free space. The size of the temporary file area is usually the deciding factor as to whether GraphicsMagick is able to complete an operation.
With sufficient free disk space, GraphicsMagick is primarily limited by your CPU, your operating system's ability to address memory, and your degree of patience. GraphicsMagick has been used to process RGB images 64K by 64K pixels in size! Assume your three images are called image1.ppm, image2.ppm, and image3.ppm. Type gm montage -mode concatenate -tile 3x1 image1.ppm image2.ppm image3.ppm concatenated.miff To concatenate the images top-to-bottom, use -tile 1x3. For more control over the placement of an image, use. First create a matte image and position your images onto the matte. For example, gm convert -size 350x500 xc:black composite.miff gm composite -geometry +0+0 composite.miff image1.gif composite.miff gm composite -geometry '+1'00+0 composite.miff image2.gif composite.miff gm composite -geometry +0+300 composite.miff image3.gif composite.miff gm composite -geometry +0+375 composite.miff image4.gif composite.miff.
Use with the -delay and -page options. The -delay option is used to specify the delay in 1/100ths of a second between the display of each frame of the animation. For example, gm convert -delay 20 frame*.gif animation.gif You can also declare specific delays for each frame of the image sequence. For example, if the delay was 20, 10, and 5, use gm convert -delay 20 frame1.gif -delay 10 frame2.gif -delay 5 frame3.gif animation.gif Use -page to specify the left and top locations of the image frame gm convert frame1.gif -page +50'+1'00 frame2.gif -page +0'+1'00 frame3.gif animation.gif Finally, if you want the image to loop within FireFox, use -loop gm convert -loop 50 frame*.gif animation.gif Note, that all the images are composited into a single multi-image GIF animation. If you want a single image produced for each frame, use +adjoin gm convert +adjoin images.* frames%d.gif.
A visual image directory (VID) is an image that contains thumbnails of one or more images in a file directory. Rather than displaying each individual image at its full resolution, you can browse the visual image directory and choose an image to display. You can create a VID with either of these commands: gm montage *.jpg directory.vid gm convert 'vid:*.jpg' directory.vid Of course you can substitute any filenames you desire. Has many relevant command line options. You can exercise more control over the appearance of the VID than with. Next display the directory: gm display directory.vid Finally browse and select an image to display.
Move the pointer to the image and press button 3. You can create the VID directory with this command: gm display 'vid:*.jpg' You can also select Visual Image.
From the File menu of the command widget. Note, that creating a VID is time consuming. Creating them on-the-fly within may be less convenient than using. Also, if you create them with. Or, you can reuse them as often as necessary. Note that a visual image directory is useful for looking at individual frames of an image sequence: gm display vid:movie.mpg. There are four types of ornamental borders you can add to your image with GraphicsMagick.
Each is listed below with the procedure to use them with your image. • Surround the image with a border of color Use -border followed by the width and height of the border. Set the color of the border with -bordercolor.
For example, to surround your image with a red border that is 25 pixels wide on each side, use gm convert -bordercolor red -border 25x25 image.jpg image.gif • Lighten or darken image edges to create a 3-D effect Use -raise followed by the width of the image edge. For example, to create a raised edge effect of 25 pixels, use gm convert -raise 25 image.jpg image.gif • Surround the image with an ornamental frame Use -frame followed by the width and height of the frame. Set the color of the border with -mattecolor.
For example, to surround your image with a gray frame that is 25 pixels wide on each side, use gm convert -mattecolor gray -frame 25x25 image.jpg image.gif • Surround the image with a raised or sunken bevel Use -frame followed by the width and height of the bevel. Set the color of the border with -mattecolor.
This is just like the description above except you specify a bevel width that matches the frame width. For example, to surround your image with a gray bevel that is 25 pixels wide on each side, use gm convert -mattecolor gray -frame 25x25+0+25 image.jpg image.gif gm convert -mattecolor gray -frame 25x25+25+0 image.jpg image.gif. Increase the dots-per-inch when converting and sub-sample: gm convert -density 288 -geometry 25% image.gif Change the density to 144 and geometry to 50% if the above command fails due to insufficient memory. Alternatively, see the Ghostscript documentation about using high-quality fonts. The -density option increases the number of pixels (or dots) generated by Ghostscript when processing the input postscript file. However as all other images formats are generally displayed on screens which are typically about 72 to 100 dots per inch, the output image will be larger. The -geometry option reduces the large image output of ghostscript image back to a normal 72 dpi resolution (25% of 288 dpi gives 72 dpi) but in the process anti-aliases (or smooths) the fonts and lines of the image so as to remove the jaggies you would otherwise get from a normal postscript to image conversion.
If you do not access to a particular named font that is large, try scalable fonts. First see if you have any scalable fonts. Type xlsfonts -fn '*-0-0-0-0-*' Or if you are using, use the font pattern above within the Font Browser (see Image Edit->Annotate).
Next substitute the appropriate resolution. Shareit Download For Windows here. Keep in mind that a scalable font must be fully qualified to work.
That is, all 14 fields must be specified. Here is one example where we annotate an image with large Helvetica text: gm convert -font '-*-helvetica-*-*-*--300-300-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1' -fill green -draw 'text 50,300 Magick' image.gif annotated.gif If you have the FreeType support built into GraphicsMagick, just increase your pointsize and/or density: gm convert -font Helvetica -pointsize 100 -density 300. Web safe colors are not normally needed any more since almost all computers now have true color displays. However, this FAQ may still be useful since it demonstrates how a colormap from an image may be applied to another image. Use the -map option of the command: gm convert -map netscape: alpha.gif beta.gif Netscape predefines 216 colors for colormapped displays. Use the above command to ensure only these predefined colors are used. Otherwise Netscape dithers your image with varying degrees of image fidelity.
GraphicsMagick 1.2.2 and later support combining multiple channels in of any image file format in order to create a CMYK image file. Canvas images may be created using the 'XC:' or 'TILE:' pseudo-image formats. XC produces solid color images based on an color you specify while TILE produces a tiled image based on an an image you specify. Both of these require that the desired size be specified, and the desired image type may be specified as well.
To create a solid red canvas image: gm convert -size 640x480 xc:red canvas.tiff or using hex syntax to specify the color: gm convert -size 640x480 'xc:#f00' canvas.tiff To create a solid red canvas image using truecolor pixels: gm convert -size 640x480 -type TrueColor xc:red canvas.tiff To create a patterned canvas image using a built-in crosshatch pattern: gm convert -size 640x480 tile:image:CROSSHATCH45 canvas.tiff To create a patterned canvas image using a user-supplied image: gm convert -size 640x480 tile:myimage.tiff canvas.tiff. GraphicsMagick is sophisticated image handling software supporting perhaps a hundred formats, and hundreds of subformats, yet it needs to be able to apply image processing algorithms in a consistent way, and save to many output formats. Some image types are radically different from others. Due to this, GraphicsMagick normalizes images it reads into only nine internal in-memory formats (see the description of -type) which are a specialization of just two internal formats. The identify command reports the characteristics of one of those internal formats rather than the genuine properties of the input image file. In fact, if the properties of all the input files were to be reported, it would require a book to describe all of the properties. For example, the WMF vector-drawing format is much different from the PNG image file format, yet GraphicsMagick can read both.
Only limited original properties are preserved, and it depends on how GraphicsMagick was built. For example, a 'Q8' build can only report up to a depth of 8 bits, but a 'Q32' build can report a depth of up to 32 bits. The original image depth is reported if it is at least 8 bits, and equal to or less than the build depth. By default identify reports only the most basic properties:% gm identify seaworld.jpg seaworld.jpg JPEG 1530x1020+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 204.0K 0.000u 0:01 but with -verbose it can report on a large number of properties. Copyright © GraphicsMagick Group 2002 - 2017.